M’sia Reopening Borders Fully from 1 April But It Doesn’t Affect S’pore (Yet)

1 April might be a day when your friends play a prank on you, but if one of them says that Malaysia’s borders are finally open on that day, it’s not an April Fool’s joke.

This afternoon (8 March), Malaysia Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced in a press conference that from 1 April 2022, the country will begin its transition to treat COVID-19 as an endemic, and its borders will fully reopen.

Here’s what you need to know and how it’ll affect Singapore.

M’sia Reopening Borders Fully from 1 April But It Doesn’t Affect S’pore (Yet)

Before you decide to drive over to JB for some cheap seafood next month, hold your horses.

For a start, Mr Ismail Sabri said that international travellers entering Malaysia would only need to have valid travel documents to enter and exit the country, while Malaysians can travel freely to other countries with similar open borders.

Yup, you don’t even need to be vaccinated to enter the country.

However, for people who aren’t vaccinated, there would be “further Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)” which their health minister will update tomorrow (9 March).

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In addition, travellers won’t even need to apply via the MyTravelPass mechanism, and only had to download the MySejahtera contact tracing application when they’re in Malaysia.

This arrangement is only for countries that have fully reopened their borders.

So here’s the thing: how about countries that haven’t fully reopened their borders, like Singapore?

Well, we’d still have to go through the usual Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTLs), which means it doesn’t really affect us.


Should we also reopen our borders, we can finally experience the jam at the causeway again.

This could be the first time in our lives that we’re rejoicing over the causeway jam.

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Featured Image: SirAkbar17 / Shutterstock.com