Malaysian Dressed As Spider-man Saw an Accident & Helped the Victims Like Peter Parker

Yes yes, not yet another Avengers: Endgame-related news alright.

But seriously, how can we stay away from the rage that is Avengers: Endgame?

Not when it took in a nose-bleeding S$7.52 million between Apr 24 and 28 in cinema tickets, surpassing yet another Marvel film which held the previous record – Avengers: Infinity

But bear with us, for this is all the hype now and we can’t help but jump on the bandwagon, or web-crawl our way to the readership.



Spider-Man in Kuantan

According to World of Buzz, Spider-Man appeared to have manifested on the streets of Kuantan (in the state of Pahang in Malaysia) recently.

While manifested might be more applicable to Dr Strange and his reality-bending, time-travelling and space-warping powers, one “Spider-Man” did indeed appear flesh and blood in Malaysia.

Here he is.

This figure comes complete with the familiar body-con body-hug, crotch-emphasizing Spidey blue and red suit, and an apparent verisimilitude in body language as he turns and looks at a bewildered crowd amidst some overturned vehicles.

Call the Daily Bugle someone?

Reel life or Real life?

It turns out that this “superhero” was none other than your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man Mamak store owner going by the name of Mohd Azlan Mohamd Ashari.

The 25-year-old runs a drink stall called Tea Beng Avengers -no guesses why- alongside his business partner, 39-year old Hamzah Rashid, and has reportedly made a habit out of donning the world-famous blue and red suit.

While reports didn’t state if Azlan was wearing the suit beforehand on 28 April, Sunday, Azlan did rush out to aid in an accident scene which had presumably taken place just in front of his establishment.

In his Spidey costume no less.

It Wasn’t A Publicity Stunt

According to Sinar Harian, Azlan said: “The accident happened right before my eyes, and I saw the vehicle get overturned. So, I went to help. I wasn’t looking for publicity because my original intent was to give help before the police and medical officers arrived.”

The report added: “Azlan and Hasmizah have been running the stall since March of 2018, and have become something of a local attraction for drivers looking to parch their thirst in Beserah.”

At this point, we are not sure if the quality of drink or presence of Marvel memorabilia is the reason behind the establishment’s popularity.

Azlan is reported to also own Captain America and Mickey Mouse costume, but calls the sometimes comical, sometimes existential teen crawler his “true hero”.

One wonders if there can be a Strait’s tie-up between Hero-Tech and Azlan to save our bilateral relations as well?

Image: Hero-Tech YouTube Video

On the other hand, did you know that Captain America was in Singapore and kena “caught” by the police?