In 2017, A Man Died After Sleeping With Three Fans Blowing At Him

Last Updated on 2020-03-11 , 4:12 pm

Singapore is perpetually hot and as much as we yearn for the cold, sometimes it can be a bit much.

To combat the heat, Singapore is well integrated with air-cons, from malls, cinemas to our offices.

Sometimes I feel my body is slowly shutting as I am doing my work—like now.


You get my drift.

“Freeze to death” is a saying we use far too often when we feel that the air-con is working overdrive in the office.


Yes, it is a hyperbole but people can actually freeze to death.

Remember Jack Dawson from Titanic?


His heart, unfortunately, did not go on….

So what happened to Jack in the film?

He died from hypothermia.

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia is when your body loses heat faster than it can produce.

When we have a fever, our temperature shoots up whereas hypothermia is on the other side of the spectrum.

If you ever went to Europe during full-blown winter, you will notice how the rooms are all warmed up and they have thick duvets to keep us comfortable.

Now that is what I call cuddle weather.

So, the moment you start shivering and feeling numb, your body is telling you it is shutting down.


And if your core body temperature drops, you will soon walk towards the light aka death.

In Southeast Asia, it is rare to see such cases but it does happen.

A man in Thailand dies from hypothermia

On 2 November 2017, in Chaiyaphum’s Muang district, 44-year old man, Sobthawee Boonkua died from hypothermia as he went to sleep with three fans, The Straits Times reported.

He didn’t realise that the temperature would drop in the wee hours of the morning.

You might be wondering—Thailand is that cold meh?

The northern parts of Thailand can get pretty chilly at this time of the year.

He was staying with his sickly mother in Tamnbon Nai Muang when the tragedy occurred.


The medical examiner and the police came to inspect the body.

The former concluded that Sobthawee indeed died from hypothermia because his body could not adjust to the sudden cold and went into shock.

I am guessing sleeping with three fans didn’t help the situation. It probably made it worse.

Hypothermia Can Happen Anywhere, Not Just In Cold Countries

Hypothermia can easily happen to people who are not used to cooler climates, especially when the house lacks a good heating system.

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Remember in 2016 when Hong Kong was struck with a cold snap and the Hongkies were shook?

Always be prepared, expect the worst when you travel to colder climates, ‘coz the weather is as temperamental as our parents.

Or blow yourself with three fans despite the hotter nights here in Singapore.