Man Hacked His Partner to Death Coz She Didn’t Let Him Live in a Bigger Room in Toa Payoh Flat

An 85-year-old man hacked his partner to death after she refused to let him occupy a bigger room in a flat that they live in.

Upon hearing that not admitting the facts meant he would have to go on trial for the original charge of murder instead of culpable homicide, Pak Kian Huat then said that he wanted the death penalty.

Here’s what happened.

Had Four Children Together But Never Married

Pak and 79-year-old Mdm Lim Soi Moy lived in a four-room flat at Lorong 4 Toa Payoh since 2004, which is where the murder happened on 1 September 2019.

The court hearing revealed that the couple met in the 1950s when they were teens, as a shipyard worker and a housekeeper.

The two never married, but they lived together and had four children, now in their 50s. Pak was bad-tempered and abusive toward Mdm Lim and the children.

Fought Over Bedroom Arrangements

Their four-room flat had three bedrooms, and two of them were larger in size.

Mdm Lim occupied one of the larger rooms, while their elder daughter and son took the other larger room whenever they returned to Singapore.

Pak had the smallest room, but usually used the unoccupied larger room whenever the children were still overseas. After complaining to his son that Mdm Lim refused to let Pak move into a bigger room, the family agreed that he can do that if he moved back to the smaller room when the elder son returned on 1 September 2019.

However, on 1 September, Pak requested to continue living in the bigger room even after their elder son returned to Singapore. Mdm Lim refused, which was when Pak took a chopper from the kitchen and attacked her.

Lawyer Discharged Himself, Pak Proceeds to Ask for Death Penalty

The court hearing on 23 September actually started with Pak’s lawyer applying to discharge himself, so you already know that this isn’t going to end well for Pak.

Originally, the hearing was convened for Pak to plead guilty, so that the original capital murder charge can be reduced to culpable homicide.

However, Pak said that the sentence of seven years’ imprisonment, which his lawyer was seeking, was too long. Instead, he wanted an imprisonment term of not more than five years.

For context, the prosecution is asking 15 to 18 years, so you can see how Pak’s request was definitely not feasible. Pak then asked for the death sentence to be imposed instead.

So death is preferable to jail?

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Repeatedly Interrupted To Dispute Details 

Pak kept interrupting while the facts of the case were read out in court, leading to Justice Aedit Abdullah telling him, “You are not in a coffee shop, you are in a courtroom.”

He disputed facts like how there was a lot of blood at the scene, and how there were 54 wounds found on Mdm Lim’s body by the medical officer.

In response to the judge asking him if he counted the wounds after stabbing Mdm Lim, Pak said that he didn’t go count them, “but I reckon I’m not that capable.”

He then proceeded to say that he could not have stabbed her 54 times, or “so skilfully” in his words. “I stopped when I saw her stop breathing.”

Hearing Adjourned

Justice Abdullah has adjourned the hearing. A decision will have to be made on whether the court will restore the original murder charge.

Additionally, they will have to decide whether another hearing has to be done to settle the disputed information first.

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Featured Image: Lianhe Zaobao