Man Threatened Ex-Girlfriend with a Knife & Attempted to Expose Her Nude Pictures

Imagine this:

Your ex comes over to your house and threatens you with a knife, asking about all the loans they had given you, including some jewellery.

They even threaten to share nude pictures of yourself which you had shared during the relationship.

The only problem is that they never loaned you any money or gave you jewellery. 

Sounds bonkers, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one woman in Singapore recently.

Man Threatened Ex-Girlfriend with a Knife & Attempted to Expose Her Nude Pictures

Years ago, the 45-year-old victim and her ex-boyfriend were in a “romantic and sexual relationship”, as the prosecutor put it.

The man, 54, had convinced her to pose in compromising positions while nude so he could take photos. The victim was aware and consented to this.

What she never consented to, however, was the distribution of these photos.

Their relationship eventually ended in 2019, but that wasn’t the last time she would hear from her ex-boyfriend.

On 14 Sep last year, the man texted the woman out of the blue and threatened to distribute the pictures, which caused the victim a lot of stress.

Things came to a head when the man turned up at the woman’s home and threatened her with a knife so he could enter.

He then questioned the woman about alleged loans he had made to her and jewellery he had allegedly passed to her around five years ago.

The victim was not aware of any loans or jewellery he had given to her, however, and the two got into a verbal dispute.

The man then threatened to slash the victim, but fortunately, another woman stepped in and asked him to stop, which he did.

They then alerted the police and the man was apprehended.

Pleaded Guilty to Two Charges

Yesterday (27 May), the 54-year-old pleaded guilty to one count each of harassing his ex-girlfriend and threatening to distribute her intimate pictures.

He cannot be named due to a gag order to protect the victim’s identity.

The man will be sentenced on 5 July 2021.

The offence of threatening to distribute someone’s intimate pictures carries a penalty of five years’ imprisonment, a fine, caning, or any combination of these punishments.

This new “revenge porn” law, which punishes threats to distribute intimate pictures, is part of a series of new amendments to the Domestic Abuse Bill that were only introduced this year in March.

They aim to provide greater protection for victims and further clamp down on perpetrators.

Since revenge porn laws were first introduced in 2015, more than 900 abusers have been convicted.

Featured Image: Ja Crispy/