Man Threw Bicycle in Front of Rider after Motorcyclist Shouted at Him


Even if we manage to save ourselves from global warming and live another 5 million years, we’ll probably never find out why nice, innocent people turn into savages when they’re on the road.

Arguments that in everyday life would be solved with a death stare or curse word muttered under the breath instead escalate to even more cursing or physical altercations.

This time, no punches were thrown; only a bicycle.

Man Threw Bicycle in Front of Rider after Motorcyclist Shouted at Him

A video of a dispute between a cyclist and biker has gone viral after it was shared on the Facebook group

The incident took place yesterday (22 Aug) at the junction facing Holland Road Shopping Centre at around 8pm.

Much like most disputes on the road, this one started with a bang; specifically, a cyclist banging into a motorbike.

In the video, a loud thump can be heard at around the 6-second mark, followed by some incoherent shouting.

The bike, whose camera is recording the incident, jerks a little due to the impact.

A bare-faced cyclist then appears on camera, blocking the motorcyclist’s way, and does something unexpected. Can you guess what it is?

  1. Bows with his palms pressed together and apologises
  2. Starts tap dancing to appease the biker
  3. Throws his bicycle on the floor

For reasons unknown, the man throws his bicycle to the floor and gesticulates angrily at the biker.

He starts berating the biker as well, but it’s unclear what he actually says.

It appears that no one was physically hurt in the altercation, except the poor innocent bicycle, which had to be rushed to the nearest repair shop after sustaining several injuries. Fortunately, it was still in a conscious state.

Here’s the full video:

Man Reportedly Made Police Report

The biker told that the cyclist had knocked into him with his bicycle and that he had retaliated by shouting at him.

The cyclist, as we know, responded by throwing his bicycle in front of the biker, presumably to block him.


“If you see this, i’m at holland with the police waiting for you,” the biker wrote.

Netizens’ Reaction

Surprisingly, some netizens were relatively objective about the incident, saying the video provided only one side of the story.

Image: Facebook (

Many others took the opportunity to reiterate their belief that cyclists should be banned from the road.

Image: Facebook (

While throwing down your bicycle in the middle of the road is never a good idea, we should probably hear the man’s side of the story before jumping to conclusions.

What do you think?


If you’re thinking, there’s no law to regulate cyclists meh? 

Well, there is and you can watch this video to find out what laws cyclists have to follow in Singapore:

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Featured Image: Facebook (