There’s a Man Who Took the COVID-19 Vaccine 217 Times Over 29 Months and Has No Side Effects

I don’t even know what to say sia.

I, like many others, was too lazy to even get my booster shot after COVID-19 died down but this man got the shot 217 times.

Maybe that’s why I got COVID-19 three times and he didn’t get it once lah.

That has to be a Guinness World Record or something.

Man Who Got Vaccinated Against COVID-19 217 Times

Many people are scared of needles and have to literally be held down to get the jab, but this man showed he is not at all afraid of needles.

A 62-year-old German man deliberately got vaccinated for COVID-19 217 times in a little over two years and did not report any side effects from his many jabs, according to a paper published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

According to researchers, he is possibly “the most vaccinated person in history”.

Who else would willingly subject themself to vaccinations for the same disease or virus over 200 times?

A public prosecutor of Magdeburg, Germany, found evidence that the man had been vaccinated 130 times in a nine month period. That works out to one vaccination every two to three days.

Researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg said the man voluntarily received all the shots against all medical advice, and warned others against jumping to far-reaching conclusions from this single case.

Don’t go and suddenly get 200 jabs ah. You won’t suddenly get superpowers or anything, and there’s a possibility you may experience negative side effects.

The man first came to the attention of researchers due to news reports in 2022, when he had *only* received 90 jabs.

He was caught at a vaccination centre in Eilenburg in Saxony when he showed up for a COVID-19 jab for the second day in a row.

This was during a time when many European countries required proof of vaccination to access public venues and travel.

Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings.

At the time, the media was speculating that he had gotten so many vaccinations to collect completed vaccination cards, which could then be forged and sold to people who did not want to be vaccinated.

When COVID-19 was at its peak in Singapore, only vaccinated individuals and certain exempted individuals could enter public places like malls. Those who chose not to receive the vaccine were barred from entering such places.

Image: Wikipedia

According to the Straits Times, in April 2021, a study showed that 20% of Singaporeans were neutral about taking the vaccination, while 13% were hesitant to do so. If this man had offered such services in Singapore, I’m sure unvaccinated individuals would have taken it up too.

Furthermore, according to the scientific paper published earlier this week, the aforementioned public prosecutor opened an investigation into allegations of fraud over the case but no criminal charges were filed.

He got away scott-free. And COVID-19-free too.

Although the public prosecutor was only able to find evidence of the man’s vaccinations within a nine month period, the man claims to have received 217 vaccine doses of eight different COVID-19 vaccines over 29 months. This includes all mRNA versions.

Sounds like free marketing for COVID-19 vaccine producers.


This super rare case has given eager researchers to study “hypervaccination”.

Some scientists have theorised that after receiving so many doses of the vaccination, a body’s immune cells would become less effective as they became accustomed to the antigens.

Surprisingly, the opposite was true.

The man was found to have “considerably higher concentrations” of immune cells and antibodies for COVID-19 than a control group of three people who received the recommended three vaccinations, the study said.

The researchers found that his body showed no sign of fatigue from the vaccinations, and that his 217th jab still boosted his number of antibodies against COVID-19. His 217th jab was administered by the researchers for the purpose of the study.

The researchers found that his immune system was fully functional even after receiving so many doses.

“The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability,” said Dr Kilian Schober, from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Further tests also showed the reaction of the man’s immune system to other viruses remained unchanged. This was proof his immune system had not been damaged by having to respond to so many vaccinations, the scientists said.

However, the researchers emphasised that they “do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity”.

You don’t have to be a researcher to know that just because one man is unaffected by hypervaccination, it doesn’t mean that everyone else will also be unaffected.

For some things, only time can tell. While the man seems fine for now, it is unclear if there will be any future changes to his immune system.

All we can do for now is wait for developments to unfold – but hopefully, the man will be fine.

And even if he is fine and well in 20 years, do not do the same as him. While he is possibly the most vaccinated person in history, you could be the first person to die from hypervaccination.