Mayday (五月天) Announces Free Live Concert on Facebook & YouTube on 31 May 2020, 8pm

[Editor’s note: a previous version of this article states that the free online concert will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube. That is inaccurate and the organisers have not yet provide details on where it’ll be streamed on. We sincerely apologise for the mistake.]

Are you bored at home with nothing to do?

Do you think that life will only resume after CB is over?

Because if you do, MayDay is out to prove you wrong.

90s kids, listen up!

On 31 May 2020, at 8pm, MayDay (五月天) will be holding a free live concert.

They’ve announced the concert both their Facebook and YouTube pages.

Sit in front of your computer with the real McNuggets or the pirated ones and listen to this iconic band that captured the hearts of millions around the world.

“We’re Occasionally Late But We’ll Always Be There”

Here’s what they’ve included in the description:



2020.5.31 pm 8:00

五月天 [ 突然好想見到你 ]

Mayday live in the sky 線上演唱會




每個城市 每個時區

全球同步 Live 五月天

Here’s A Direct Translation:

Who says, there’s no MayDay in 2020.

At 8pm on 31 May 2020, MayDay [suddenly wishes to see you] live concert

We might occasionally be late but we’ll always be there

On the last day of May, every city, every timezone, will watch MayDay at the same time.

I don’t know about you but I’m shedding tears, man.


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The Latest In Line Of Singers Holding Free Concerts Online:

With entertainment venues closed, travel restricted and more, the annual concerts that we all look forward to has disappeared.

But that doesn’t mean that our favourite singers have disappeared.

MayDay is one of the latest in line of singers who had held their free concerts online:

  • Aaron Kwok and his record-breaking 2 million viewers for his online concert on 2 May
  • JJ Lin with his birthday performance (watch here)
  • Singapore singers Benjamin Kheng, Nathan Hartono and more for Earth Hour (watch here)
  • Joanna Dong, Singapore’s jazz vocalist regular live sessions on Facebook (follow her here)
    P/S: her Telegram is where she will reveal details about her upcoming sessions
  • Radiohead with their recordings from the past (watch here)
  • Esplanade: The Show Goes On…Line (Online performances by local singers) (watch here)

So there you go, plenty of concert and performances to fill your day while you chill your time away at home.

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