McDonald’s New Matcha McFlurry Review: Can or Cannot?

I am very sure that you have heard about the return of the Samurai Burger.

My colleague, Zhi Hao, even did a taste test on it.

You can read it here.

When it comes to fast food, I am a McDonald’s man—sorry KFC.

As excited as I am to try the Samurai Burger, especially the beef version, I am fasting for Deepavali (it means no meat for a month) so I have to wait till next week to have it—In Zhi Hao’s words—”glide down my throat”.

While Zhi Hao was happily chomping down the chicken version of the Samurai Burger in under a minute, I was having the Veggie Crunch alongside the addictive Seaweed Shaker Fries.

Not that I am complaining, since it is pretty tasty for a meatless burger.

The upside to this is I got to taste their new Matcha McFlurry with Red Bean.

Image: McDonald’s Singapore

I do think I am the perfect candidate for this since I don’t hate or love matcha so my review would be unbiased.

Taste Test!

I must admit, aesthetic-wise, it doesn’t look great but you know what they say—don’t judge a book by its cover.

I made sure I had a decent amount of ice-cream, matcha syrup and red beans on my spoon before tasting it.

It melted in my mouth fleetingly, and the red beans added a nice chewy texture to the dessert.

The matcha flavour wasn’t dense at all, instead, it helped bring out the sweetness from the red beans.

This is one of their better McFlurry variations—hey McDonald’s team, if you’re reading, can you bring back Crème Brulee Mcflurry, please!


I definitely licked the spoon clean!


It is a substantial dessert, but if you’re craving for a rush of intense matcha flavour in your digestive system, this wouldn’t hit the spot.

Those who are afraid of matcha, then let this be your gateway drug to the world of sweet oriental flavours.

I would give it a solid 4 stars!

Now I am eagerly waiting for the speculated Ninja Burger!

Maybe they will have special McFlurry flavour to go along with it.

Maybe, Yuzu Mcflurry? It will surely go well; the tartness from the yuzu will cut the sweetness like a ninja.

See what I did there?

Here’s our video review:

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