MHA Slammed Preetipls’ Fake Apology, Calling It ‘Mock & Insincere’

In a recent interview with CLEO magazine, Preetipls said that she knew that she had to be “mindful” and “responsible” for the kind of content she put out.

She added, “I find that a lot of people in this space (online content creation), it’s a matter of: who can we expose next’? Who can give us the most engagement online? What should we do to trigger everybody now?

“That’s the scary part of this industry that I wished I’d completely avoided from day one.”

Oh, well.

Maybe she really wasn’t out there to get the most engagement., because the video isn’t even online at all now.

Somehow, she managed to get the most engagement online with an “apology”.

An Apology That’s Obviously a Troll

After the hoo-ha about her video, which attracted even the attention of Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam, one would have thought that she’d back down and apologise sincerely. Or at least just explain her actions while apologising.

After all, her followers’ count would have increased a lot, and everyone knows her now. She can start to avoid doing things that “trigger everybody now” while getting the reach she needs.

But no; instead of feeling remorseful, she took it up a notch and mocked the apology given by Havas, the company responsible for the E-Pay advertisement, with this:

Image: Prettipls Facebook Page

Lest you’re not aware, that statement mirrors the apology by Havas, a clear defiant act to show that she’s not a single bit repentant.

And the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded to that.

Ministry of Home Affairs: “Not the First Time Ms and Mr Nair Have Expressed Racist Sentiment”

On the same day that Preetipls challenged the authorities posted her statement, the MHA issued a response via a media release.

They said that Preetipls’ statement “contains a mock, insincere apology. It is a spoof of an earlier apology issued by Havas Worldwide for the E-Pay advertisement (Nets subsequently issued an apology). This spoofing is a pretence of an apology, and in fact, shows contempt for the many Singaporeans who have expressed concern at their blatantly racist rap video.”

Not The First Time

In addition, it wasn’t the first time Preetipls had expressed “racist sentiments”. She once acted as a Chinese and mocked the Chinese’s community’s practices, culture and traditions, portraying Chinese as money-minded gamblers.

The police are still conducting their investigations and taking advice from the AGC.

In the meantime, Preetipls and her brother haven’t responded to MHA’s statement.

You’ve got to wonder: Are we going to see another Amos Yee?