Mickey Huang Posted First Response After His Suicide Attempt

Unless you live under a rock, you should have heard of Taiwanese host Mickey Huang’s scandal, pushing him to the forefront of Taiwan’s #MeToo movement.

Following the sexual harassment allegations against him, he attempted to take his own life. In the past month, the celebrity has remained relatively silent until now.

This week, Mickey Huang posted his first response since his suicide attempt.

Summary of Allegations Made Against Mickey Huang in the Taiwan #MeToo Movement

For those who aren’t aware of the scandal, Goody Feed’s here to get you up to speed.

On the morning of 19 June, a Taiwanese influencer named Zofia made several allegations against Mickey Huang. She recounted how the 51-year-old had sexually assaulted her when she was merely 17 years old.

Zofia shared that this was not a standalone occurrence. In a separate incident a few years after the first incident, Huang urged her to remove her top and pose for his camera under the guise of it being for art’s sake.

Of course, the internet ate the allegations up. Zofia’s Facebook post made its rounds on the internet, prompting a response from Mickey Huang.

Huang responded with three now-deleted video clips on his social media accounts, admitting to the allegations and apologising for his actions.

Later that same day, news broke out that Huang had attempted to take his own life by inflicting knife injuries on himself. He was later sent to the hospital.

We have yet to hear from him since. That is, until the celebrity finally posted a lengthy response on Facebook on Wednesday (19 July).

It’s a 21,000-word post made entirely in Mandarin. So, for the sake of all the bananas with zero attention spans, we’ll summarise it for you.

Here’s what Mickey Huang’s response entailed.

Mickey Huang Recounts Thought Process Behind Suicide Attempt

The 51-year-old first dived into the reasons for his suicide attempt.

Huang wrote that on the fateful morning of 19 June, when the allegations against him were revealed, it flipped a switch on his entire state of mind.

“I didn’t want anything anymore,” the celebrity writes.

As a result, Huang decided to research methods to take his life, believing that taking his life was the only way he could repent for his actions, which he described belong to that of “Mickey Huang 1.0”.

He added that on that day, he was unwavering in this belief and was firmly convinced that taking his life was the right choice and the only choice at that.

Huang: “Why Did You Save Me?”

Huang then disclosed what happened after his suicide attempt and how his wife, Summer Meng, saved him.

While the three now-deleted video clips he posted on his social media accounts on 19 June were scheduled to be posted at noon, his attempt actually happened earlier at 10 am.

However, Huang’s wife, even before seeing those three video clips, figured something was off with Huang. That morning, Meng left her meeting and rushed home to find Huang’s door locked.

Meng forcefully broke her husband’s door down to find him mutilated. She quickly checked on him and sought help from the authorities.

“She also called my name beside my ear. I think I can recall hearing her voice, but it seemed unreal,” Huang added.

Huang was sent to the hospital and regained consciousness in the evening. He recounted hearing the loud noise of sirens while being transported to the hospital.

Upon regaining consciousness, Huang cried and asked his wife: “Why did you save me?”.

This is starting to sound like a TV show.

And according to the 51-year-old, the experience did feel like it was out of a TV show. His movements were slow, he was emotional, and he could neither speak nor think properly.

But this is only the beginning of his journey to recovery.

Mickey Huang Reveals Details of Post-Attempt Recovery

Huang’s post-attempt recovery at home would prove to be a huge hurdle—to say that he went through an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement.

Huang shared that he would often be hit by a wave of emotion, causing him to break down. When necessary, he would turn to films and TV shows to “immerse [himself] in others’ stories, momentarily forgetting [his] own plot”. He also read a few books that inspired his post-attempt recovery.

He locked himself in his room and did what most of us tend to do when we’re in crisis—cut our hair short.

The celebrity also shared that he spent most of his time reflecting, albeit with little success, as even his thoughts were “slow and sluggish”, much like his movement.

He felt as if he were a 5-year-old in the body of a 50-year-old. He also limited his interactions with his child to 10 minutes daily to not pass “negative energy” to her.

Mickey Huang Grateful for Wife and Others Who Rendered Him Support; Apologises to Everyone Affected By His Actions

The Taiwanese host’s lengthy reflection also wove in words of gratitude to multiple people, including his wife for her care, his industry friends for rendering him support, and the healthcare staff that tended to him at the hospital despite the allegations against him.

He also apologised to everyone affected by his actions.

Specifically, he apologised to his wife and child for his failures as a husband and a father.

As it turns out, the 51-year-old wrote the lengthy Facebook post a day before his wife’s birthday.

He apologised for all the sacrifices his wife had to make given his actions, adding: ‘Happy birthday. In the future, I promise to become a better husband and a better father for you. That’s the gift I can give you now.”

Mickey Huang Claims to Be Working Towards Becoming the 3.0 Version of Himself

In Huang’s mind, there are three versions of him. Essentially, 1.0 is the dreadful version of him, 2.0 is what he was post-attempt, and 3.0 will be the new and better version of him.

Huang elaborates a fair bit on how he intends to strive towards becoming the 3.0 version of himself. Regardless, he admits he has no idea how to face the future and asks readers what they would do in his position.

The celebrity wraps up his post with a heavy statement: “I’m not expecting too much, but just seeking to mend the remaining years of my life.”

You can read more about the celebrity’s involvement in the Taiwan#MeToo movement here