MOE Created Viral Images That Hilariously Tell Parents Not to Create ‘Strawberries’

Last Friday (2 June 2017), the Ministry of Education (MOE) posted a series of images that were addressed to parents with one important message – to let their children soar on their own and not to make them into products of the Strawberry Generation

And it was possibly one of the best content created by MOE so far (well, the 2.7K shares speak for itself). Let us have a look at them.

The images first start off with a series of check-boxes for parents to know if they are becoming “helicopter parents” to their children.

Just so you know, it’s not a term coined by them: it refers to parents who allow their children to be overly dependent on them because they are always sticking up for their children for the slightest amount of unjust.

Just look at that. Perfect. The first image has already captured everyone’s attention.

Speaks (or, well, even burn) to parents who are way too strict about the results that their children receive, who also think that grades are everything to success. These are the parents who will not be contented even if their children scores 98 marks, and feel that the children ‘can do better’ if they get 100 marks. 

MOE also points out why being a helicopter parent can be detrimental to your children. 

And also some of the ways which you can help your children become more independent! 

True enough, sometimes, it is important for your children to know the taste of failures when they are young so that they know how to get up and solve these mistakes or failures and move on.

I mean, you can’t expect them to be successful their whole lives, right? That’s just unrealistic and makes life way too boring.

We all need setbacks once in a while to help us grow and give us a smack in the head to know the right from wrongs. You can’t be the one holding their hands every step of the way till they’re old because that will just create an unnecessary dependence on you, and they will just always become the ‘strawberries’ of their generation – which are extremely irritating groups of human beings.

And trust me, nobody likes them in the workplace or in school.

So if you want your kids to become better, listen to MOE and let them soar on their own. 

Every parent should see these images. Seriously.

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*All images from Facebook (Ministry of Education, Singapore)

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