More S’poreans Now Want to Adopt a Pet During This Circuit Breaker Period

There are only so many movies you can watch on Netflix and games you can play online before your mind turns to a bowl of kambing soup.

With most residents here stuck at home during the month-long circuit breaker period, boredom is bound to creep in.

And without the ability to socialise with our friends, many have turned to animals to fill the friend-shaped hole in their souls.

More S’poreans Now Want to Adopt a Pet During This Circuit Breaker Period

Animal welfare organisations have seen up to a 10-fold increase in fostering requests as well as a rise in adoption requests during the circuit breaker.

Is it because Singaporeans have suddenly become more empathetic and want to care for an abandoned animal?

Image: Giphy

Nope. Work-from-home arrangements and the need for companionship were some of the reasons cited by organisations and potential adopters, according to TODAYonline.

In other words, people are bored and lonely AF.

SPCA, for instance, has seen 10 times as many fostering queries as usual, and Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) has received double the usual number of adoption enquiries and six times the usual number of fostering enquiries.

Image: Giphy

“Strongly Discourage” Adopting During CB Period

Some organisations are wary of the increase in adoption requests, however.

“For people who want to adopt for just this circuit breaker period, of course, we strongly discourage it”, said Dr Siew Tuck Wah, president of SOSD.

Reader: But why? Isn’t it a good thing that they have one less dog to care for?

The problem with these new requests, according to Dr Siew, is that many of them may be impulsive.

It’s a bit like asking the first person you meet on Tinder to marry you after you’ve had a traumatic breakup.

People are bored and lonely now, but will they still be interested in taking care of these pets when the circuit breaker measures are lifted?

Image: Giphy

That’s why adopters usually have to go through a series of stringent procedures before they are allowed to adopt a pet.

Yes, it’s not as easy as saying I want that furry black one, thanks, and getting the dog in a brown bag like a takeaway meal from McDonald’s.

For SOSD, adoption procedures include phone calls as well as visits by an SOSD rehomer to ensure that the living conditions are suitable.

There will also be a one-week homestay period when the adopted dog will stay with the potential adopter, during which the rehomer will conduct visits to check the animal’s well-being.

Rehomer: You’ve been feeding your cat chocolate? You know that they can die from that, right?

Owner: Sure, but cats have nine lives, so it’ll just come back to life soon after.

Rehomer: This is not the time for jokes.

Owner: Who said I was joking?

Even fostering, which is a temporary arrangement until a forever home can be found for the pet, is a big commitment, as many pet owners know.

Lack of Manpower

With the circuit breaker measures in place, some animal groups are also unable to process adoption and fostering requests due to a lack of manpower.

Obviously, a few workers need to remain at these adoption shelters to take care of the animals, but volunteers are no longer allowed at the shelter during the circuit breaker period, said Dr Siew.

SPCA, despite still carrying out animal rescues, has put adoption and other non-essential services on hold until the circuit breaker measures are lifted.

Don’t Be Impulsive

As SPCA Singapore’s executive director Jaipal Singh Gill said, fostering can be helpful as some fosterers do eventually adopt the pets they care for.

But adoption is a lifelong responsiblity, and not something that should be taken lightly.

When we think of adopting pets we only think of cuddling with them or playing games, but it will require lots of your time and money.

In addition to walking them and giving them lots of attention, they will also need regular vet visits and good quality food.

Cat: Just get a cat if you hate exercising

That sounds good, but I don’t want a pet that will start plotting my death if I delay its meal by 5 minutes.

Cat: I see you’re well-acquainted with our species