Photoshopped politicians popping up on the net near elections aren’t a new thing.
Like this movie poster from back in 2015.

Or this hot bod of Trump:
(Or maybe that wasn’t Photoshopped)
Wait, that picture seems familiar.
That’s right. The same Trump pic was used in our article back in Jan 2020 talking about the same photoshopped picture of MP Tin Pei Ling.
MP Tin can be seen wearing a revealing sleeveless qipao and showing cleavage.
In case it’s not obvious, that’s fake. The skin colour doesn’t match with MP Tin’s face and the body doesn’t quite match the head.
This is what the original poster looks like:
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Fake Image Resurfaced On Facebook
The post, made on 20 June, had the description “So eager to campaign? Using sex to sell votes?”
I guess you can call that the definition of “bringing something out with malicious intent”, huh?
A comment wrote, “Become a slut already”, but other comments there point out that the image looks fake and one wrote, “Hope you don’t get sued”.
The image didn’t go viral, as it seemed like the post only had 37 reactions and 31 shares.
Which makes it kind of impressive for MP Tin to find the post just three days later.
MP Tin Made A Police Report
MP Tin denounced the new post on Facebook, saying that it objectifies women and shows a “clear lack of respect for women”. Back in Jan, she lodged a police report for the photoshopped image and left it to the police on whether to take action or not.
It seems like that culprit was caught.
She made a police report for this new Facebook post as well.
Comments on MP Tin’s post showed unanimous support for her, calling the image “distasteful” and “unwarranted”, and that this isn’t justified especially when they are doing this to a good MP.
But as I did in the previous article, let me play devil’s advocate.
MP Tin’s new post had 20 times the reactions, three times the amount of shares as compared to the poster’s and now her post has caught the attention of the media.
So, once again:
I think these incidents being in the news might actually have circulated the image more compared to reporting it and not sharing it online.
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