MRT Station Translation so Bad, It Went Viral & Netizens Disapproved Immediately

Last Updated on 2020-01-17 , 9:05 pm

Now, I’ve friends who aren’t exactly the most proficient translators. An example in mind would be when a friend (whom I’ll nickname the Big D) once translated the term ‘Book‘ (verb) to ‘Shu Ben‘ (the noun) in Chinese.

If you can’t imagine how ludicrous that sounds, here’s a scenario:

*You walk into a hotel lobby*

You: 你好,我想书本一间房。(Hi, I would like to book (noun) a room)

Receptionist: Huh? Smlj-

Yeah, you get the gist.

Nevertheless, I can safely say that even Big D here, who’s pretty much at the bottom of the barrel in the translation department, can do a better job than the local MRT station translators.

Image: Imgflip

As proof, check this piece of translation out. Keep in mind that it’s an actual public announcement in a local MRT station, and fully intended to inform each and every one of the commuters passing by the station.

Image: The Alternative View Facebook Page
Image: Imgflip

Translation gone wrong

If you (who has the literal literary prowess of Big D) aren’t able to see the mistake here, allow me to break it down to you.

Image: The Alternative View Facebook Page

So, the information they wish to impart is this: TOP UP UNAVAILABLE HERE.

The Chinese translation, however, becomes this: NO TIDYING UP HERE.

Kinda wrong, isn’t it?

The latter part isn’t any better either.



Incidentally, Google Translate interprets it as follows:

Image: Google
Image: Google

Well, guess we solved the mystery here. There was never any official translator for the site.

It was all Mr Google Translate.

Which is kinda questionable, seeing how Mr Google Translate isn’t the brightest in translation classes.

And wait, there’s more.


Apparently, the Indian language used on the notice paper is Hindi. And according to a comment, “Hindi is not their (our) official language.”

Image: The Alternative View Facebook Page

And let’s not even question why the Malay language isn’t there.

I’m not here to start a war.

Gotta buck up

Look, Google Translate might be useful for getting the briefest of points across, but it’s not exactly the kind of tool you want to use when printing a notice that will be viewed by hundreds, if not thousands of people daily.

Heck, just see what I mean:

Image: Google

Translation: NO TIDYING UP HERE.

Image: Google

Translation: NO USAGE HERE.

Even the simple act of capping the letters changes the sentence!

So buck up, ol’ MRT stations. People rely on information to get by, and wrong info’s only bound to get one into trouble. My advice?

Stop using Google Translate and just ask your own employees.

Trust me; it’ll work out a whole lot better.

Always quarrel with your bae? Then you need to watch this video and learn this trick on how to resolve arguments without any compromise or apology (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):

This article was first published on

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Featured image: Facebook (The Alternative View)