5 People in M’sia Allegedly Ordered 600 Plates of Meat in a Buffet & Dabao Them Home

We’ve all tried it before—sneaking extra food from a buffet into our bags, be it small bites or those tau huey desserts from Haidilao.

But most of us have probably never done it at the scale that a particular Malaysian family has done: ordering 600 plates of meat at a buffet and dabao-ing the meat home.

Suffice it to say that the hotpot buffet owner wasn’t pleased with this.

5 People in Malaysia Allegedly Ordered 600 Plates of Meat at Hotpot Buffet and Dabao-ed the Meat Home

On Tuesday (10 October), a post by the Sarawak hotpot buffet, Husky Group Bintulu, surfaced on Facebook, sharing what they thought was “unscrupulous consumer behaviour”.

Specifically, their experience of having a group of five customers ordering 600 plates of meat at the buffet, to dabao all, if not most, of it.

Here’s how it happened.

The family of five had ordered 600 plates of meat from the hotpot buffet—250 plates of pork and 250 plates of lamb.

We have no idea why the staff didn’t find an issue with a group of customers ordering that much meat, but plausible deniability, I guess.

Since it was a buffet charging “by head”, the family was only charged a total of RM163.30 (S$47). According to the receipt, there were three adults and two children dining in.

Image: Facebook (Husky Group Bintulu)

After viewing the CCTV footage, the owner realised that the family didn’t, in fact, eat all 600 plates of meat at the buffet. They dabao-ed the meat home instead.

I mean, duh… 600 plates of meat will probably land you in the hospital.

In the Facebook post, the owner shared that this was the first time in their eight years in the F&B industry that this had happened.

First time for everything, I suppose.

All we can say is this: Given how small Bintulu is, the family of five probably shouldn’t head back to the hotpot buffet anymore.

And the owner of Husky Group Bintulu shares the same sentiments. They acknowledge this in the Facebook post and share that they’ll recognise the family of five should the family return to the buffet again.

Image: Facebook (Husky Group Bintulu)

The owner also condemns the adults in the family for “stealing” from the hotpot buffet right in front of their children.

We wonder how much loss the hotpot buffet suffered after this. After all, they’re also trying their best to get by.

If you live in Bintulu and would like to support the owner, do drop by the hotpot buffet, which is open daily from 12 pm to 10:30 pm.

Singapore App to Dabao High-End Buffet Food for Affordable Prices

If you’re ever craving buffet food but don’t feel like paying for the full selection, there’s a solution for you that doesn’t involve going to a buffet and dabao-ing a bunch of food the way the Bintulu family did.

In Singapore, there’s an app that allows you to dabao high-end buffet food—Treatsure.

The app allows you to head to any of the app’s partner hotels and dabao buffet leftovers for the affordable price range of $7.50 to $10.50. Shiok. 

You can read more about Treatsure here.