M’sian Aunty Sells Chicken Rice In The Day; Cares For Over 100 Dogs & Cats At Night

Im sure most of us know someone who’s a cat lover. Most of us probably have friends who worship their dogs.

But Huang Xiuying, a 64-year-old hawker in Penang, took her love for dogs and cats to a whole new level.

Image: Kong Wah Daily

To break it down for you:



Image: Giphy


Image: Tenor


After the sudden death of her own dog in an accident about 20 years ago, Huang shared that each time she saw stray dogs, it would remind her of her beloved.

Thus, she saw to it that she will provide these stray animals, both dogs and cats, a safe haven by setting up an animal shelter.

She now provides for a whopping 100 cats and dogs.

Image: Kong Wah Daily

I don’t even have that many soft toys.

Image: Giphy

Aww. We’re sure these animals must have fallen in love with her.

How It All Began

It started when Huang started bringing home one stray dog after another. Then, people started bringing the strays to her, which included cats.

This made Huang realise that many people were abandoning cats, including newborns kittens.

Her solution? She took them all in.

Image: QuickMeme

Not only does running an animal shelter require great love and commitment, but Huang also shared that it comes with a hefty price.

It takes approximately $66 each day to keep the animal shelter up and running. She also spends $495 to hire social workers, and $148 for rent. This does not include other costs involved such as spaying and neutering the animals.

Omg, such dedication exists!

Image: Quickmeme

To keep up with the increasing costs, Huang operates a chicken rice stall in a hawker in Ayer Hitam. She works in the day to fund the animal shelter, and spends her night at the shelter ensuring the animals have sufficient food.

Image: Kong Wah Daily

She usually returns home at 8am, before waking up at 10am to start her daily routine.

(That’s just 2 hours of sleep. Can meh? Even 20 hours is not enough for me)

Huang shared that seeing all of the animals well taken care of brings her joy, and keeps her heart full. Such is selfless love, friends.

Image: Kong Wah Daily
Image: QuickMeme