30YO M’sian Collapsed from Brain Aneurysm on First Day of Work in S’pore

A 30-year-old Malaysian collapsed from a brain aneurysm on her first workday in Singapore.

The scariest thing is this: she was unconscious for nearly half a day before anyone discovered that she had collapsed in her flat.

Her family is now crowdfunding for her hospital bills.

30-Year-Old Malaysian Collapsed from Brain Aneurysm on First Day of Work in Singapore

On 16 August, 30-year-old Celestine was supposed to report for her first day of work—she was a Malaysian who had just received a job offer in Singapore as a salesperson at a gold store.

However, she didn’t report to work that fateful day. And no, it’s not because she overslept or didn’t feel like turning up for work.

She suffered a brain aneurysm that day and collapsed in her Sembawang flat—she was unconscious on the floor, alone, for nearly half a day before her sister, Yvonne, discovered her.

According to Yvonne, she found Celestine collapsed in the rental flat with puke all over the floor.

The 30-year-old was sent to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, where she was diagnosed with a life-threatening rupture or an aneurysm on the left side of her brain.

An emergency surgery was conducted. Celestine was subsequently warded in the intensive care unit (ICU).

30-Year-Old Malaysian Spent Two Weeks in ICU; Unable to Communicate, Breathe, Or Open Her Right Eye

Her condition was so severe that in the two weeks Celestine spent in the ICU, she reportedly struggled to breathe. Instead, she relied on ventilators to breathe.

Image: Give.Asia

She was also unable to communicate independently and, initially, could not open her right eye.

Halloween may be coming up, but this is the true horror story.

Employer Cancelled Insurance

While Celestine was transferred to a general ward after the two weeks she spent at the ICU, her hospital bills continued climbing.

The reason? She was receiving treatment as a foreign visitor without access to any financial relief.

The 30-year-old’s employer had apparently cancelled Celestine’s in-principle approval (IPA) letter and insurance, leading Celestine and her family to shoulder the burden of the costly hospital bills on their own.

Image: Give.Asia

And we all know how expensive hospital bills in Singapore can be, so it’s not great.

30-Year-Old Currently Warded in JB Hospital; Has to Undergo Rehabilitation for Up to Two Years

The good news is this: On 11 September, Celestine finally balik kampung-ed and was transferred to a hospital in JB instead.

Image: YouTube (Yvonne Chek)

While her condition is stable enough to be discharged, Celestine must undergo rehabilitation and acupuncture daily for up to two years to recover from her aneurysm.

Ah… More bills to pay… 

Yet, even with such an intensive rehabilitation regime, Celestine is not guaranteed to recover.

In the meantime, if you’d like to help Celestine and her family out, do consider donating on Give.Asia, where Celestine’s sister has appealed to raise $107,149 in funds to pay for Celestine’s hospital bills.