Mum Horrified To See ‘Ghost Baby’ In Son’s Cot, Later Realizes It Was Just His Mattress Label

There are two types of people in this world.

Those who believe in ghosts, and those who don’t.

Those who believe will argue that there is a multitude of videos that prove ghosts are real, while those who don’t will argue that it was just a man with a white sheet over his head.

I personally believe that there’s always a rational explanation for “paranormal” sightings or experiences.

This is something one mother learned after a frightening experience.

Mum Horrified To See ‘Ghost Baby’ In Son’s Cot, Later Realizes It Was Just His Mattress Label

One mother freaked out at what she thought was a “ghost baby” in her son’s cot.

In a post on Facebook, user Maritza Elizabeth recounted what happened on that scary night.

She said when she checked on her son via a baby monitor, she “freaked out” because she saw a ghostly-looking baby curled up in bed beside him.

In her defense, this does look pretty eerie:

Image: Facebook (Maritza Elizabeth)

She said she was so terrified that she could barely sleep. “I even tried creeping in there with a flashlight while my son was sleeping”, she added.

The mattress label

The next morning, the 32-year-old decided to investigate and went to her baby’s room to inspect the cot.

She realized that the “ghost baby” was just the mattress label, which had a picture of a baby on it.

Image: Facebook (Maritza Elizabeth)

According to Maritza, the mattress label was only visible because her husband had recently changed the sheets forgotten to put on the mattress protector.

“I could kill him” she amusingly said.


Her post has garnered over 430,000 likes and 260,000 shares.

Some commenters found her “ghostly” ordeal hilarious:

Image: Facebook (Maritza Elizabeth)

Others were too busy being creeped out to find it amusing:

Image: Facebook (Maritza Elizabeth)

So, are ghosts real?

If there’s anything to learn from this, it’s that paranormal experiences aren’t always what they seem.

For one, if ghosts do exist, why do they only come out at night? Are they self-conscious of their appearance, or late-night party animals who are too hungover for the day?

Or is it our own fear of the dark that creates these paranormal experiences? Our fear of the dark actually has a scientific explanation. Researchers have found that this fear is an evolutionary trait that we picked up to survive real-life predators stalking the night.

That came in handy when we used to live in caves and needed to avoid getting eaten by big, scary animals.

Now, however, this evolutionary trait can create anxiety and convince us we’ve seen something “spooky” when it was just our mind playing tricks on us.

So, if you keep seeing a white, ghostly figure roaming your house at night, it’s probably just your dad in your mum’s wedding dress, and you probably don’t want to know why.