This Narrow Escape for a Little Girl in S’pore is a Lesson for All Parents Out There

A young girl escaped an incoming motorcycle by the skin of her teeth when she was running across a road.

A video of the incident has been posted on Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road’s Facebook page two days ago.

In the video, a young girl comes running out, straight into the path of a motorcyclist.

Luckily, the motorcyclist blared his horn and the girl stopped in time.

There we see her running back to the divider, where a panicked looking elderly woman and a young child stand waiting for her.

The young girl can be seen looking a bit shaken.

The video has garnered over 1k likes and reactions, as well as over 1.9k shares.

Facebook Netizens Alarmed By The Incident, Heaps Blame On The Parents (Mostly)

And the Facebook comments thread has been nothing short of an outrage. For the parents and grandmother of the child, that is.

Image: Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road Facebook Page
Image: Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road Facebook Page

Those were just a few of the many comments slamming the child’s parents and grandmother.

There were comments applauding the motorcyclist’s sharp driving skills too.

Image: Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road Facebook Page

Personally, I feel that the Grandma is in the wrong here. She should have held the young girl’s hand firmly and guided her across the road.

Imagine if the driver had not reacted in time.

And in the first place, what were they doing not using the proper crossing paths? Not saying that I’m exactly squeaky clean, but my point is that the Grandma’s elderly, and she was fetching two young children.

She should have been more careful about it.

Out of respect for the Grandma, I concede that she might have been physically unable to cope with the young girl’s enthusiasm and energy.

So all the fault should definitely not just attributed to the elderly woman. In part, it’s the parents, and in a very small part, it’s the young girl too.

Just because she’s young doesn’t mean she can be brash about things.

But that’s my take. What’s yours?

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Feature Image: Ben Chia Lor Facebook Page

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