Nas Daily Finally Did a Follow-Up Video on ‘Airport Prisoner’ & Said ‘We Did It’

Lest you’re unfamiliar with Nas Daily, here’s him.

Yeah, the guy who did daily one-minute feel-good videos in many countries, and garnering lots of fans with his exaggerated movements and authentic thoughts.

He was in Singapore in August this year and sang so much praises for our sunny island, I feel like the ground I’m stepping on is made of gold.

And if you’re a fan of him, you’ll know about this video.

Once a while, he’ll do a video that’s more than one minute (definitely not because he can’t earn Facebook ad revenue from one-minute videos as Facebook ad requires it to be more than three minutes), and this is one of them.

In the 4 minute 40 seconds video, which is filmed by his teammate Project Nightfall, Nas Daily, whose real name is Nuseir Yassin, featured a Syrian refugee, Hassan al-Kontar, who has been “stranded” in Kuala Lumpur International Airport for about six months after he refused to go back to Syria due to the civil war.

Over in the airport, he was also given three meals a day, and although they’re the same every day, I’ve got to admit that it looks…goody seh.

Image: Facebook (Nas Daily)

The video talks about him living in the airport like Tom Hank’s character in the movie The Terminal, and prior to the Nas Daily video, he has been featured in other publications as well.

A group of Canadian volunteers have found him a sponsor and a job for him to live in Canada, but he’s waiting for the approval that might take 26 months.

In the video description, Nas Daily wrote this:

What can you do to help?

To be honest, our options are quite limited. Hassan refused to accept any money donations.

So the only thing we can do is raise awareness that this guy…exists. And if you live in Canada, it’s even more important to raise awareness there and hopefully try to expedite the application process. Tag relevant authorities or even the prime minister!

But well, awareness he did get, because about a month later, he was arrested (since it’s technically not legal to stay there) and set to be deported back to Syria.

Nas Daily Allegedly Went on Radio Silence About the Issue Soon After

Upon news of Hassan’s removal from the airport and his impending deportation, Nas Daily went radio silence on this issue (or so I see, because when the news occurred I was desperately trying to find what he’d say but came out empty—correct me if I’m wrong), although he’s known to engage his viewers on the Facebook comment section.

But yesterday, he finally released a video, and let’s just say that it’s a carefully craved video:

So basically, the video thank everyone because “they’ve done it.” There were a lot of pats on the back with a backstory of what happened: Hassan is now living in Canada, and instead of the 26 months needed, he was in the country in three months.

Here are the exact words of the video’s description:

We did it!

Thanks to international pressure, lawyers, sponsors, friends, Canada, and YOU….this guy is now free!

For those that don’t know, Hassan was a Syrian Refugee who, through a complicated legal process, found himself stuck in an Airport with no way of getting out or in. He lived in the airport for 6 months.

His asylum application was scheduled to take 23 months to process. But thanks to international pressure (all of you), Canada was able to expedite the application to less than 3 months.

If you’re looking for proof that social media works, then there you have it.

This entire episode was a lot of pressure on Hassan and his friends, and frankly…me. And I can’t be any happier to announce the HAPPY END of this episode.

Good luck Hassan. I can’t wait to visit you in Canada very soon! You can follow his progress at his instagram: @hassan_alkontar

And he added more with this comment:

Image: Facebook (Nas Daily)

So, what really happened, except that we should all feel goody?

Canada Volunteers Lobbied for his Release

According to reports, it was Laurie Cooper and a group of her friends in Whistler, Canada, who raised money to sponsor Hassan, and set up a job and accommodation for him. He was finally told about the approval on Sunday (25 November 2018).

For a start, Hassan would stay with Cooper, and he has been offered a job at a Whistler hotel.

There’s indeed a happy ending, but here is some hard truth: some people in the world don’t even have the free nice food and accommodation in an international airport.

You know, like BMT recruits #justsaying #combatrations #geddit?