10 Scariest Shows to Watch in Netflix Now ‘Coz It’s the 7th Month

Last Updated on 2022-07-29 , 1:52 pm

It’s the seventh lunar month, and you know what that means:

It’s time to spam those horror shows!

But the question begets;

Which show is actually scary enough to keep us on our toes this Hungry Ghost Festival?

Well, without further ado…

We check off 10 of the scariest shows to watch on Netflix, just so that you can sleep in utmost distress as imaginary shadows move across the board.

10 Scariest Shows to Watch in Netflix Now ‘Coz It’s the 7th Month

1. The Shining 

Before Doctor Sleep, there was The Shining, a classic horror masterpiece that somehow manages to terrify till this very day.

Don’t believe me? Just check it out.

2. Gerald’s Game

This one is a little kinkier than the rest on this list, but Gerald’s Game is still a choice pick owing to its harrowing portrayal of a woman who has to confront her worst possible fears in order to survive.

Be warned though; this piece is a lot slower and psychologically-driven than most films of the same genre, so you’re advised to skip to point 3 if you prefer fast-paced scares.

3. Brightburn

So maybe Superman isn’t that scary. Because you know, he’s heroic and stuff.

But just imagine a world in which Superman is not your average goody-two-shoes, but an unsettled demonic maniac with an unquenchable thirst for blood.

Sounds utterly terrifying? Well, meet Brightburn.

Dammit, where’s Batman when we need him?

4. Pet Sematary

Pets are adorable and all. But infuse a demonic spirit into the husk of a fallen pet and all of a sudden it’s not sunshine and rainbows anymore.

Though not as ‘high-quality’ as its remake, this classic Stephen King novel still instils a morbid sense of fear into oneself…

And also makes us take a second look at the cat lurking around the corner of our eyes.

5. Goedam

A Korean horror anthology series that focuses on urban legends?

Well, you know you’re in for a really bumpy ride.

This series also shows that Koreans aren’t just good at romance or singing, they’re well-versed with things that goes bump in the night too.

6. Don’t Breathe

Always perceived blind men in the cinematic world to be nice and gentle?

Well, this film is going to tilt that stereotype a full 180 degrees.

With a rather self-explanatory title, the tense atmosphere in the film will probably make you do just that;

Don’t breathe.

7. A Quiet Place

The 2018 hit horror film is now on Netflix, and with all things considered, naturally commands a place on this list.

8. Bird Box

Another masterpiece, Bird Box is essentially a Netflix classic, and for good reason.

Packed with a riveting storyline and a horrifying premise, Bird Box may not feature much of birds in boxes…

But it sure as hell is terrifying.

9. 1922

Stephen King novels have a real tendency to work on the big/small screen…

And 1922 is no different.

Unpredictable to the very end and chocked full of skin-crawling, shocking scenes, 1922 is a horror film that you should not miss.

10. Where Got Ghost?

And of course, what better than one of Jack Neo’s works to round up the list?

Called Where Got Ghost, the film comprises of three separate stories, each riveting and tense in its presentation.

And though the film brands itself as a ‘hormedy’ (horror and comedy)…

It does prove outlandishly horrifying when necessary.