This New Song About Sheeps By A Taiwanese Chiobu Might Be Even Hotter Than PPAP

If you’re still stuck in the entire hype about PPAP, now’s the time to move on to something newer and better – for your eyes anyway. Other than the addictive notes of this new ‘Beep Beep’ song, what really caught our eyes (and hearts) the most was the chiobu that sang it.

Basically, the song is about the sound a sheep makes. And before you start throwing your judgments and saying how it’s not biologically or scientifically right, what really matters is the girl that sang it.

Tempted to watch the video, yet?

The video was uploaded by a Taiwanese online influencer, SMALLWINNI (黃于恩 溫妮) and also the girl in the video. In the song, she also teaches us how to become a sheep by – throwing your hands up and point them to the floor, get down on all fours and just bounce around.

Uhhhhhhh. Doesn’t sound very right to me but okay, let’s try to stay family friendly here.

In the video, she also repeats the same few dance moves that are rather easy to replicate. And as annoying as this song might get after listening to it a couple of times (I had to do that prior to writing this article), it actually becomes rather addictive.

Heck, it might even become the next PPAP. 

I can totally imagine this being played at some orientation camps or if celebrities start doing their very own versions of ‘Beep Beep I’m a Sheep’ – remember the horrifying video when the Mediacorp artistes had to a ‘dab’ for the Chinese New Year MV or create their own renditions of PPAP?

As of now, this video has already been view 543k times. 

Beep Beep I'm a SHEEP 溫妮捷運版

繼 熱炒店、超市 之後,又ㄧ個恥度無極限行駛的捷運中😂😂 真的是…狂冒冷汗😂😂一起來 Beep Beep I'm a SHEEP 吧❤#BeepBeepImAsheep #捷運 #痴情男子漢 #PPAP

Posted by 黃于恩 溫妮 on Sunday, 7 May 2017

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