A Survey Shows That Almost Half of S’porean Workers Aren’t Happy at Work

Last Updated on 2021-01-25 , 7:54 pm

Just how happy are you, doing what you’re doing right now?

And no, I am not referring to whatever it is that you’re doing at the moment—be it having dinner or taking a dump while reading this article. I am referring to that which puts food on your table.

Your day to day job.

If you’re someone who is actually happy and satisfied with your work at the moment (like me), kindly follow this link to get out of this place of misery and sadness and go watch some videos that might benefit you. Might.

Alas, someone has to touch on this heavy topic. And since I’m being paid to do so, well, what choice do I have, right?

If we were to look at JobStreet.com’s 2017 Job Happiness Index, 45% of Singaporeans are unhappy at work. Which means, if there are 100 Singaporeans in the company you’re working at, approximately 45 of them are unhappy with the job!

“When their career trajectories stagnate, employees do not derive any form of satisfaction and may begin to resent their jobs. To retain outstanding performers, there is a need to give them new challenges and more high-level responsibilities so that they can grow their skillsets,” says Ms Chew Siew Mee, Country Manager, JobStreet.com Singapore.

According to Jobstreet.com, here are the top three key unhappiness factors:

  • Issues with management
  • Lack of career development
  • Lack of training opportunities

Do you see yourself facing any of the above issues? Well, at least now you know you’re not alone!

From the same survey conducted by JobStreet.com, it was also revealed that work location is the most important factor impacting job happiness, with the other two being good colleagues and company reputation.

Let’s just look at it this way. How happy would you be if you have to commute from Tampines to Choa Chu Kang on a daily basis?

…Figures. And I believe the other two are pretty self-explanatory too. Good colleagues will definitely impact your everyday work experience, and your company’s reputation will decide if you can proudly talk about your job in front of others.

Other perks like transport subsidies, workplace flexibility, salary increment will also boost your happiness levels at work. I mean, who wouldn’t want more perks, right?

Employees working in larger companies are generally happier as they have a more defined organizational structure with different departments. This allows the employees the opportunity to explore different job scopes without leaving the company.

Likewise, larger companies also have the resources to enrol their employees in training courses, which, if you recall, is one of the pivotal points deciding an employee’s happiness.

Oh and, this may come as a surprise to some of you, but millennials are generally happier than non-millennials when it comes to working. When compared, it’s also found that millennials care more about flexibility.

And remember, it takes more than the company’s effort to make everyone happy at work! Do remember to do your part for the company too!

Featured Image: ProStockStudio / Shutterstock.com