New Video Shows a Taxi Driver Looking Down On Chicken Rice Owners With $1,000 Notes


Remember how there used to be this saga of a chicken rice stall owner counting S$1,000 notes in front of a taxi driver to look down on him? And as a way of apology, the chicken rice stall owner gave out free chicken rice to taxi drivers? If you think that was the end, well, it wasn’t.

Taxi Driver uses $1,000 notes to taunt Chicken Rice Owners

A new video has resurfaced showing a self-proclaimed ‘great’ taxi driver flaunting his money in front of the camera in a bid to taunt chicken rice stall owners. And this time, instead of just using S$1,000 notes without showing the totality, he upped the game by using S$1,000 notes to count up to S$10,000. 

In his ‘rant’, he uses a mix of Mandarin and dialect to bring his point across 

“Why are you selling chicken rice? It’s because you can’t do ‘big things’ and can’t earn lots of money. We (taxi drivers) are the ones who do great things and earn a lot of money.”

He is then seen counting a stack of thousand-dollar notes, finally stopping at $10,000.

“We are the people who can accomplish great things. We don’t sell chicken rice like you do. All of you who sell chicken rice can’t accomplish great things.”

Eh bro, don’t like that leh. Chicken rice sellers very good one leh. They bring the easiest solution to fussy eaters like myself. Plus, the previous guy already offered free chicken rice to all taxi drivers as a form of apology already.

Don’t tell me you’re going to offer free taxi rides to all chicken rice owners as a form of apology too?

You can also view the full video here

But of course, this could just be a troll, or a troll response to the chicken rice owner. But still…why target the entire industry altogether?

And why carry $1,000 around? Is that a new trend?

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