10 Night Markets to Conquer in Taipei So The Trip Won’t Wasted

Last Updated on 2022-10-01 , 10:00 am

The night market is a major highlight of any vacation to Taiwan, I believe, and who could blame them?

They’re festive, and have plenty of good food available in the crowded market.

Which true-blue Singaporean will be able to say no to food, right? Well, if you’ve not had the chance to travel to Taiwan this year, let me whet your appetite by telling you about the 10 night markets available in Taipei alone.

South Airport Night Market

Image: Travel.taipei

A less-known night market even to Taiwanese, this night market might warrant a longer walk as it’s further away from the station but seriously, once you’ve sank your teeth into their food like 山內雞肉, 阿男麻油雞, or even 臭老闆現蒸臭豆腐 for the particularly adventurous, you might just find yourself walking back to this market night after night until you have to leave Taiwan.

Location: Ln. 307, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100

Shida Night Market

Image: Guide to Taipei

Our first love is eating, and a close second is, of course, shopping. Located near a university, the crowd here is young and trendy, so don’t be surprised to find the leading night market on fashion right here in Shida.

Now, don’t expect to see too many games and food, but honestly, you’re giving that up not only for trendy, but cheap clothes as well. Life’s good.

Location: Longquan St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106

Shilin Night Market

Image: Taiwan Tourism Bureau

You’ve definitely heard of Shilin before, haven’t you? I mean, their name has even spread to Singapore in the form of XXL Chicken cutlet, if you get what we mean.

Shilin is one of the more well-known night markets in Taiwan, and you best be prepared to have lots of energy to explore the diverse place that is Shilin, from mouthwatering delicacies like a giant sausage and XXL Chicken cutlet to handcrafted souvenirs. You’ll have a blast here, confirm.

Location: No.101, Jihe Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111

Raohe Street Tourist Night Market

Image: Travel.Taipei

One of the oldest night markets in Taiwan, this small night market offers untold pleasure and gastronomical delight to locals and tourists alike. With Ciyou temple in the background, you can explore the six different levels with amazing decor, and there’s a place you can access from the night market to view the amazing night scene of 基隆河 and enjoy your loot from the market like 林媽媽麻油雞, 藥燉排骨 and 胡椒餅. Are you drooling yet? We are.

Location: Raohe St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105

Jingmei Night Market

Image: travel.taipei

If you’ve always wanted to immerse in the local culture and interact with them in their normal routine, this is the night market to go. Without high rent and other issues that forces vendors to compromise on food quality, this is where you can get the most traditional food you can possibly find in Taipei, at least on the night market scene.

Get to this night market and be rewarded with items like上海生煎包, 阿昌麵線, 鵝媽媽切仔麵 and 景美曾家麻油雞. If you’re looking for fashion, this isn’t the place to be but if you’re looking for good, old comfort food, you have to be here.

Location: Jingmei St., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116

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Huaxi Night Market

Image: TripAdvisor

Walk down this night market and you’ll come to a conclusion: this could be the strangest night market you’ve been to yet, not that you have been to many. The more popular food belong to the snake and soft-shelled variety, and there’s plenty of adult toys shops littered through the market. Be prepared to find exotic but still amazing delicacies here.

Location: Huaxi St., Wanhua District, Taipei City

Ningxia Night Market

Image: travel.taipei

寧夏夜市 offers traditional Taiwanese delicacies which has captured the hearts of tourists and locals alike since decades ago and it is all about food. That’s right, if you’re the average foodie, this could probably be as close to heaven as you can get while you’re alive. In fact, it’s also similar to Singapore’s Chinatown, being the most popular place to go to for CNY goodies during the CNY period.

Location: Ningxia Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103

Yansan Night Market

Image: travel.taipei

Shilin is for tourists and Shida is for the young. So where does Yansan stand? Well, this night market is for locals, where food preparation isn’t showy and food looks unassuming. Until you take that first bite, that is. If you’re ever there, you must try their fried noodles, 刈包 (steamed bun) and 麻糬冰 (mochi ice). You won’t regret it, trust us.

Location: Sec. 3, Yanping N. Rd., Datung Dist, Taipei

Liaoning Street Night Market

Image: travel.taipei

If you’re looking for somewhere less filled with tourists, yet unique on its own, then you wouldn’t go wrong with this night market.

It’s where you go for stir fry seafood, in whatever method you want – Thai, Taiwanese, etc. – and beer. Now, isn’t that just a winning combination— hell yes.

Location: Ln. 53, Zhulun St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104

Linjiang Street Night Market

Image: travel.taipei

Previously known as 通化夜市, this night market is one MRT stop away from Taipei 101. Finish off your sunset viewing with a walk to this lesser-known but equally iconic night market for snacks or meals and a couple of hours just browsing through the trinkets and wares of this night market before calling it a day and heading back to your hotel.

Location: Linjiang St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106

Featured Image: travel.taipei & Guide to Taipei