NParks Has Responded After Woman Injured in Admiralty Park & It’s a Subtle Burn

Just yesterday (9 Nov), my colleague wrote about how a woman was allegedly thrown off a 23m-long, 9m-tall slide in the New Admiralty Park, and sustained numerous injuries to her head, shoulders and calf in the process.

You can read all about that here.

Anyways, safety concerns have been raised, and NParks, as well as playground contractor Semec Enterprise, had to step in.

Their view?

If you are an adult, you should not be on playground slides meant for children aged five to 12.

Image: Imgflip

It isn’t safe for adults

Ms Agnes Au, general manager of Semec Enterprise, which supplied the playground equipment at the park, said: “The reasons why it isn’t safe for adults to slide down are clear – a heavier weight will lead to a faster speed, and a bigger build is more likely to hit the sides of the slides.”

Well, can’t deny the validity of that statement.

“In a playground, such small scrapes and bruises are part of play and most were sustained because of improper use,” she added.

Ms Au also said that all play equipment at the park “are designed and complied with international safety standard and verified by a third party playground safety inspector“.

Mr Chuah Hock Seong, NParks’ group director of parks was straightforward: slides meant for children, should be used in the appropriate manner.

“For this purpose, we have signage and have also stationed staff to provide visitors with information on how to use the equipment correctly, based on the recommended age group.”

“We will continue to observe the use of the equipment and will make tweaks where necessary,” he said. He also explained how yellow boxes have been drawn at the end of the tubed slides to deter users from staying in the area.

Precautionary measures

Contrary to certain speculations, there were precautionary measures in play.

For one, an NParks sign that’s displayed near the slides clearly stated that “the play equipment was designed for those five to 12, and that the park authority would not be held responsible for any injuries”.

Secondly, there were two Semec Enterprise employees present to ensure safety, such as “moving people away from the landing zone”, and “regulating the flow of people going on the slides.”

Looks like the blame game’s going south.

In conclusion

Wanna feel like a kid again? Sure, but you’re fully responsible for all the risks.

However, if you’re cool with that, I don’t see why you can’t take the slides like the young uns.

After all, age is just a number.

Unless you’re 120 and have brittle bones. Please, for the love of muffins, do not 

Coincidentally, if you’re curious how it looks like, here’s a friendly reminder courtesy of our friends at Straits Times.


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This article was first published on

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