NUS Undergrad Wanted to Dump Poor Boyfriend For a Rich One; Netizens Give The Best Advice

Oh, NUS Whispers, the Facebook page that is more amusing than any other tabloid sites.

So, most of you might have already seen the infamous Facebook post about a gold digger student’s dilemma on which guy she should go for.

If you have not, here’s the post for you.

And this liner takes it all

When I suggest to visit atas places for our anniversaries, my BF would always brush this topic aside by saying that we should save up for BTO, money is hard to earn blah blah blah…(Excuses).


She says she has not cheated on her boyfriend yet, but entertaining these thoughts is already a form of emotional cheating. #justsaying

Anyway, what made this confession viral were the comments that were pure gold. The too, Internet chimed in as relationship gurus, advising the girl to just go for A and set B free (geddit?).

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But this comment takes the cake.


Who knows, there might be a plot twist in the near future saying that this post was all made up. I mean, it does sound a little too generic, huh?

This article was first published on