Okay, You Can Be a Full-time Gamer with Benefits & CPF Right Here in S’pore

When you were young, your parents probably told you, “Ah, playing games again. Only know how to game, game, game. Why don’t you use the time to study instead? You play game become good got what use? Can feed you, is it?”

Back then, you couldn’t say anything back, not because you’re a mummy’s boy, but because deep down you know it’s true.

Well, it looks like things have changed.

Because for the first time in Singapore, eSports players were offered full employment contracts, complete with monthly salariesmedical healthcarecoaching, and even CPF.

Image: Imgflip

Chaos Theory

The set-up is called Chaos Theory (pretty slick-sounding, huh?) and it was founded by Drew Holt-Kenwell and Hai Ng. They were the ones behind this first-of-its-kind arrangement, where players can actually call themselves full-time employees.

Why the decision? According to Drew, former Head of Global Esports at Razer, there’s a growing market for e-Sports, and Singapore’s a huge talent pool with much-untapped potential.

Their purpose? Aside from wanting to set a new standard for the gaming industry and change the overall structure of esports team hierarchy in SEA, they also want to teach and nurture world-class players and show everyone that an eSports career isn’t just a dream, but a reality.


So far, Chaos Theory’s got two teams on their roster.

A 6 pax all-men Overwatch team.

Image: Chaos Theory

And a 6 pax all-women League of Legends Team.

Image: Chaos Theory

There are, however, plans to delve into titles such as Dota 2 and Mobile Legends. Countries like Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines could be touched in the future too.

How do you get selected?

This must be the million dollar query of the day: how do you sign up for a gaming full-time job so that you won’t have to stare at paperwork ever again?

According to Drew, teams are chosen on a case-by-case basis. Some will apply, while some will be scouted.

For individual lone wolf players? Well, for one, you gotta be good at the game, like duh.

They also want you to be committed and reliable, so no skipping your game training sessions for some hanky-panky with that cute girl/boy next door.

You would have to be able to communicate with others as well, which is pretty obvious given that you will be working in a team.

And well, you gotta have a positive presence, because technically you will be an ambassador for the team and Singapore.

Trump’s wall

Alright, it’s not literally Trump’s wall, but there’s a similarly powerful wall standing between you and your dream job. Your parents.

So how do you convince them that gaming’s actually a proper job?

Don’t worry, because 1/6 of the female LoL team has already conquered it. Ong Lin Lin, codenamed Astrid, had concerned parents at the start questioning her sense of reality, but fortunately for her, they managed to see the growing market in eSports and gave her their blessings.

So if your parents forbid you, just use the example, “Walao, but someone did it leh. See, this chio bu? Her parents allow leh.”

Best if it’s in a whiny tone too, because parents hate their kids being whiny. #justsaying


If you’re a player eager to up your game, this is a great opportunity for you. Because unlike companies where you work from 9 – 5 on the same thing every day and come out 30 years later with practically the same level of skills, Chaos Theory makes it a point to raise your game.

Because well, they want the prize money too. (the 2016 League of Legends Championship had a grand prize of a whopping $5M)

Aside from exclusive gaming coaches and offline venues, there’s also behind-the-scenes management, so you’re pretty covered.


Thankfully Chao’s Theory’s got some solid sponsors behind them, so they won’t have to burn a hole in their wallet trying to pay all 12 of their gaming employees. So far, companies like FoodPanda, Zero Dot One, Corsair, Sector Six Apparel and Colosseum have signed up to be sponsors.

Guess there’s one thing Chaos Theory won’t lack: a variety of food.


I think this is a really creative move on Chao’s Theory part because the gaming market is humongous and there’s sure to be a lot to be generated from it. The starting costs would get pretty tiresome but if things pick up, they will be rolling in so much cash they face a risk of drowning.

But this really spells out something: the world is changing.

If you told someone in 2000 that the future would have playing games as a stable job, he would have checked you into IMH.

If you told someone now, he would have just said ‘siao ah’. Until he reads this piece of news, anyway. Then he will be like, “What? Legit?”

You can’t help but wonder though. How many of those ‘traditional’ jobs would we still have in the future? How many ‘passion-related’ hobbies will be converted into proper jobs?

Guess the future’s an exciting prospect, huh?

But one thing‘s for sure.

You can go up to your parents, show them this article and be like

Image: Imgflip

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Feature Image: Chaos Theory