Old Auntea: A Super Retro Shop Near Yishun MRT Station Selling Super Retro Snacks

Someone once said that there’s a wormhole in Yishun, and that it’ll take you to another dimension.

I think I’ve found it.

Or to be more specific, Facebook Page Singapore Atrium Sale has found it.

Introducing Old Auntea Mama Shop, a shop that sells biscuits, candies, drinks, ice-cream and toys from the 90s.

In other words, a mama shop.

Old Auntea Mama Shop

Lest you’re not aware, mama shops nowadays are almost endangered, and like it or not, you contribute to it.

Why buy from mama shop when you’ve a wide variety of choices in an air-conditioned supermarket, whereby you can pay with your phone instead of with something known as notes or coins?

But in Yishun Ave 5, on an HDB shop, a mama shop is still standing strong.

Known as Old Auntea Mama Shop, it’s located here:

Image: Google Maps

Here’s the exact address: Blk 732 Yishun Ave 5, #01-384, Singapore 760732

Facebook Page Singapore Atrium Sale posted a few images of the shop and I thought the images were koped from the 90s:

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)
Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)
Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)
Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

A further search revealed that the shop didn’t just sell mass-produced 90s snacks: they even have self-packaged ones that we uncles or aunties used to weigh with our hand before buying one.

Image: Facebook (Angie Eu‎)
Image: Facebook (Angie Eu‎)

And if you’ve kids, you might want to shock your kids with these toys:

Image: Facebook (Angie Eu‎)

Reader Bao: Holy, your childhood was so pathetic

Speak for yourself, Mr Bao. At least I shared the toys with a real girl called Linda. Your crush is just made out of pixels.

And interestingly, according to a Facebook post, youngsters are patronising the store, too:

Image: Facebook (Angie Eu‎)

Old Auntea’s Face “Revealed”

Because old people use Facebook, Old Auntea saw Singapore Atrium Sale’s post and even sent a thank-you message to the admin.

And the old auntie uses Facebook like an Old Auntea:

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

I don’t know about you, but I’m so going to head down to Yishun for a trip down memory lane.

And if this shop isn’t a good enough reason for you, then check out the hidden gems in Yishun in this video…

…and also, you won’t need to worry if you happen to visit Yishun during a rainy day:

Yishun, boleh seh.