OMG, haze MIGHT just come back soon. Here’re the facts

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Have you realised that the past few days has been rather smoggy and hazy? I could smell haze when I stepped out of my house today. You may think it’s just in my mind, but unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, you will know that haze is possibly coming back. That’s right, I bet most of us thought we’ll at least have a few more months of reprieve before it comes back right?

Remember the haze last year that lasted a couple of months? Well it was one of the worst ever. But do you also remember when Vice President of Indonesia Yusuf Kalla said that they gave us “11 months of fresh air” so there is “nothing to apologize for”? Well, looks like it’s only been 5 months and we’re facing the haze again.

So soon? Yes, that soon. And here’s what you need to know about it.

Today’s PSI is in the Moderate Range
Today’s (15 Mar 2016) PSI as of 10am is between 53-56 which is in the moderate range. Not that worrying yet, but it’s still out there. The good range is between 0-50. So if you think that it’s hazy today, well you’re not being paranoid. Mid-March and PSI is already 53. Above 100 in April maybe?

Riau has declared emergency
Forest and land fires are spreading widely in Riau this month and has been affecting the people there. One week ago, Riau declared an emergency so that they could tackle the fires before it caused a huge haze like last year’s.

500 personnel deployed
Including police and army personnel, Riau is working on the problem as well. A water bombing helicopter has also been engaged to aid in necessary procedures in fighting those fires.

Past efforts didn’t work out
If you’re aware of the haze, you will also know that Indonesia’s past efforts at tackling the haze usually doesn’t help. It doesn’t stop much of the fire neither does it clear the haze. So we’re guessing that this time round, it’ll be the same thing over again. VP Kalla, anything else to say?

We’re going to need the rain
Since Indonesia’s efforts doesn’t usually work, we need to count on the rain to help us clear the fire and haze. So if you can do the rain dance to call on the rain, do it. Or stop your kids or younger siblings from singing the “Rain Rain Go Away” song. Whatever it is, don’t call the rain away.

Top Image: Lodimup /