A Raft Otters Found Hiding Under A Huge Tree from the Sun Near Esplanade Park

As you may know, the weather has been especially hot lately.

Which, quite frankly, leads to some sweltering good weather to take a nap.

Much to the exultation of all our Working From Home (WFH) pals, I’m sure.

But see, it’s not just the WFH population that’s sneaking in a nap.

Even the otters are basking under the sun for a good nap, with shade from a huge tree added in for good measure.

A Raft Otters Found Hiding Under A Huge Tree from the Sun Near Esplanade Park

On 1 April, Reddit user u/xxaydiv took to the social news website with a 0:19 video clip, which shows a group of otters napping near Esplanade Park.

Huddled in close proximity, the critters clearly enjoyed the lull period as a huge tree shielded them from the swelteringly hot sun.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

Like us, they would also periodically wiggle around in a bid to find the most comfortable position to be in.

However, some did seem to express annoyance at screeching sounds – emitted by nearby vehicles – in the vicinity.

Others may also be feeling a little self-conscious at the camera directed towards them. In fact, one even hastened to show its left profile, in an evident attempt to show off its best angle.

I could, of course, be mistaken about that last one.

You can view the adorable video here.


To date, the thread has garnered over 408 upvotes, as well as a plethora of comments.

Some Netizens were of the opinion that the otters just wanna slack around.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

Others observed that the otters seemed to be really comfortable in their own skin.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

Another prophesised a future where there’s no Merlion, but a Merotter.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

One also seems to be an insider on the whole otter gang war culture.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

Interestingly, a Netizen noted that the otters may have actually violated COVID-related safety rules.

Image: Reddit (u/xxaydiv)

Well, looks like they may have to make a dash for it before the otter police comes.

Otter Movement

It appears that otters are attracting more attention than actual celebrities these days.

On 29 March 2021, a group of otters was captured “wiggling” around on the grass and pavement in Botanic Gardens.

Some Netizens even suggested that they were in a collective drunken stupor, and “behaving as if grass were catnip”.

And back in 2020, Stomper Michael was strolling through Botanic Gardens when he saw a bunch of otters basking in the sun and feeding on fish in the Sundial Garden, all the while enjoying life to the fullest.

However, though the otters may be a harmless source of entertainment to us, they are not exactly so to fish owners.

In May 2020, former actress Jazreel Low unveiled that over 100 of her fishes were murdered by a group of otters in their buffet spree.

Victims included her 13-year-old arowana Ah Huat, whom she paid tribute to.

Featured Image: reddit (u/xxaydiv)