wuhan virus - search results

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M’sia Has to Inform People That Wuhan Virus Won’t Turn People into Zombies

Fake news is rife in the social media dominated world that we live in today. A close friend forwards a message from a 'reputable' source...

Good News Today: No New Cases of Wuhan Virus in S’pore & Still No...

Ever since Chinese New Year Eve, MOH has been busy updating us about new Wuhan virus confirmed cases almost every day at around 8pm. Here’s...

First Wuhan Virus Death Outside of China Has Occurred & It is a 44-Year-Old...

For the longest time, the Wuhan virus has been claiming lives daily, but it has always been people from China. After all, the country’s hit...

Irresponsible M’sian Suspected with Wuhan Virus Fled Hospital After Waiting for Too Long

When it comes to dire situations, it's truly every man for himself. The first thing a lot of people are gonna want to do: save...

Wuhan Virus Death Toll Now Over 300 & Total Infections Over 14.3K

It felt like just yesterday that I was writing about the mystery Wuhan virus that was giving pneumonia-like symptoms to those who were infected. At...

Celebrity Couple Topped Up Donation to Fight Wuhan Virus After First Donation Was Considered...

The Wuhan virus aka novel coronavirus situation is getting serious, especially over in China. At the time of writing, there are almost 15,000 confirmed cases...

1 More S’porean Confirmed With Wuhan Virus But Not Infected Locally; PM Lee Confident...

Remember the Scoot flight that went to Wuhan to “evacuate” 92 Singaporeans from the lockdown city? Yeah, the plane that’s manned by heroic volunteers. As of...

MOH Responds to WhatsApp Message That Has A List of Where Cases of Wuhan...

Earlier today, Facebook announced that they’re going to reduce the distribution of Wuhan virus contents that are fake, and will remove contents that have...

Scammers Using Fear of Wuhan Virus to Spread Computer Virus Via Emails

In the midst of the chaos caused by the highly contagious Wuhan coronavirus where we are all fighting to protect ourselves from it, scammers...

Facebook Will Remove Fake News About Wuhan Virus Themselves Even Without POFMA

When you first used the internet, you probably believed that everyone who wrote an article or post online was an honest and sincere person...