Watch-Fanatic Bought Real Watch for Young Man Who Wore a Paper-Made Watch

You know what truly makes you warm and fuzzy inside? Reading a story about people being ultra-kind to strangers they meet.

What seems like not much to Uncle Bob here truly made a young keropok seller so happy he cried tears of joy.

So imagine this, there was a boy in Penang, Malaysia (you know, the country across the border we haven’t seen in almost a year now) who wore a paper watch on his wrist at all times.

Image: Facebook (Mfa Bob)

He couldn’t afford to buy himself a watch so he decided to make one and stick it around his wrist.

Image: The Len /

The boy sold crackers in a yellow basket with his uncle, who was wheelchair-bound. I know, just picturing it is making me feel super sad.

When a patron asked him why he had a paper watch on his wrist, the boy told him that he was always interested in watches. He didn’t have the money to buy one, so he figured the paper watch was his next best move.

The kind guy was so touched by the keropok boy’s story that he took him to a shop nearby which, by chance, sold watches.

He offered to pay for the cost of a real watch for him and told the kid to pick any watch he wanted.

The young boy was so touched, he could not believe his good luck. He even offered his humble crackers as some form of compensation, but the man said no.

Image: Facebook (Mfa Bob)

Even the uncle on the wheelchair was touched and crying. He asked Bob if he was sure about doing this.

Image: Facebook (Mfa Bob)

When Bob said yes, the small boy started crying too.

Plot-twist: Did you know that Bob was a watch lover himself?

His act of genuine kindness has made his Facebook post shared more than 2,600 times on Facebook. Many people spoke with good things to say about Uncle Bob.

A Mohamad Farid Ayid said in Malay; “I respect you Bob. May you be blessed in health and prosperity.”

Another Facebook user, Aliff Hazwan said that Bob an awesome brother, with a heart that was far too kind. He ended his post with blessings for Uncle Bob.

Here’s the post:

Featured Image: Facebook (Mfa Bob)