How to Link PayNow to Your NRIC So You Can Get Money from the Government Earlier

Unless you earn more than $100,000 a year or own more than one property, you’re probably excited about the money that Ah Gong’s giving later this month.

If you earn less than $28,000 a month, have a kid below 20 years old and are 50 years old or above, you’re looking at a cool $1,000.

You can watch this video to understand more (and also subscribe to our YouTube channel whereby we’d update you about what’s happening here daily):

But you’re confused because you’ve heard that the money will come in on either 18 June 2020 or 25 June 2020.

Doesn’t the money just go into your bank account, just like the one you receive in April?

Well, it’s a tad different this time: if you’ve got PayNow that’s registered with your NRIC, you’d receive the money on 18 June 2020. If not, the payment will come in just like the April payment—direct to your bank account, though it would be on 25 June 2020 instead.

The reason for the change is to encourage people to use PayNow more, in line with the Smart Nation initiative as it “provides added convenience and privacy for citizens to receive money into their bank account, without disclosing their bank account details to the sender.”

Because 7 days could be forever for some people, here’s what you need to do to receive the payment on 18 June 2020 instead.

How to Link PayNow to your NRIC So You Can Get Money from Government Earlier

Before anything, you need to have a PayNow account.

Now, when you first register your PayNow account, you’d usually link your mobile number with your bank account—and that’s it.

To receive the money from Ah Gong via PayNow, you need to link your PayNow account with your NRIC number.

And it’s as easy as ABC.

POSB / DBS Account

If you’ve a POSB / DBS account, you can do so via online banking.

If not, you can do it just by sending an SMS; simply SMS to ^77767 in this format:

PayNow<space>register<space>NRIC<space>your preferred bank account’s* last 4 digits<space>your preferred nickname to 77767

Now, do not key in your NRIC number; the bank knows about your NRIC number. You just need your bank account’s last 4 digits. This is an example:

Paynow register nric 7890 Adeline

7890 is the last four digits of your bank account number, not your NRIC.

You can find out more here.

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UOB Account

For UOB, you might have already registered with your NRIC number for your PayNow account.

If not, you’d have to go online to update your PayNow account to insert your NRIC, or download the Mighty app to do so. From there, register with both your mobile number and your NRIC number.

You can find out more here, but the main gist is that when you link your mobile number, you should also link your NRIC number as well.

OCBC Account

This works like POSB / DBS: you can either update your PayNow account with their app or online banking, or you can SMS them.

For SMS, simply SMS 72323 this:

REGN<space>NRIC<space>last 6 digits of your bank account number

Unlike POSB/DBS though, you’d have to key in the NRIC number.

An example:

REGN S12345678G 123456

You can find out more here.

Other Banks

Most other banks work about the same. Below are the links for various banks that have PayNow:

Bank of China:





Standard Chartered Bank: