Almost 1,000 Pets Received Blessings from Monks & Nuns in Jalan Basar Temple During Vesak Day Eve

Vesak Day has just passed. Being a Buddhist holiday, you’d expect many of the followers of Buddhism to head towards temples to get blessed.

What you wouldn’t expect is their pets, too, receiving blessings on this holy day.

Nearly 1,000 pets were brought to Thekchen Choling, a Tibetian-Buddhist temple in Jalan Besar.

TikTok videos showed snaking queues of people carrying their pets to be blessed. The fortunate pets in question ranged from dogs and cats, to even hamsters, fish and terrapins.

Even pets that have passed could join in on the fun if the owner brings a picture of the pet or their ashes. 

According to the temple’s Facebook page, “the blessings of love and light will allow your pets to create a strong affinity with Buddha, giving them a joyous and unique Vesak experience”.    

More Than Blessings

And the pets received more than a blessing. Light offerings, paw painting and photo-taking were a part of the activities the pets (and humans!!) could take part in as well – for free, though the temple was open to donations for their Animal Welfare Fund.

There was also free popcorn and ice cream available! Unfortunately, the pets can’t enjoy those treats.

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The event itself was so much of a smashing success that the temple opened a second day of events for those who missed out the first day.

I guess pets are like children to pet moms and dads, and we all want the very best blessings and well wishes for our babies! Even if your baby is something like a piranha.

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Featured Image: Tiktok (@gelenyong)