Experts Say Phase 2 is Working Well But Lifting of Restrictions Must Be Slow


I’ve got some good news and bad news for you.

The good news is, experts are no longer as worried about us going back to Circuit Breaker as before.

The bad news is, it could still happen.


Here’s what our dearest experts, who accurately predicted the advent of Phase Two, has to say:

“Phase 2 is Working Well But Lifting of Restrictions Must Be Slow”

Experts that the Straits Times spoke to said that right now, Phase Two is working well.

We are opening up smoothly and the average number of community cases has been kept low.

But the real test, according to Professor Teo Yik Ying, is whether Singapore can continue to go back to normalcy while keeping numbers low in the long run.

The trick to that, he says, is to constantly “stress test” the system, just like what MCCY is doing with the places of worship.

They just started a trial which allows specific places of worship to accommodate double the current cap.

If it works, they’ll look at rolling it out; if not, they’ll snap it shut.

In other words, things will change…gradually. Or, at least he hopes to see that happening in Singapore.

Now, all Singaporeans have to do their part to help maintain the status quo, he stressed.

Sentiments Echoed

Another expert, Associate Professor Alex Cook, said Singapore isn’t fighting a second outbreak because the authorities are moving slowly and carefully.

Unlike Professor Teo above, however, he is more optimistic about Singapore easing restrictions further without becoming a second Hong Kong.

He also spoke about the possibility of not having a quarantine for travellers from lower-risk countries provided they were swabbed beforehand.


Professor Dale Fisher, a senior consultant in the division of infectious diseases at the National University Hospital agreed with both of them.

He pointed out that by reopening slowly, the government will have more time to assess the impact of any policy changes.

Other countries, he pointed out, have rushed back to normalcy as fast as possible, and they’re now suffering for it.

So, Now What?

Basically, what the experts are saying is, you’re now in Phase Two, now get used to it and think of it as the new norm.

As you can tell from the government’s response, the experts pointed out, they’re not just opening and opening.


They’re opening, monitoring and deciding if it’s good to go to the next step, or tighten down on some areas, like the loudhailers at East Coast Park.

And judging by the speed, it’s likely that we’re going to be in Phase Two for a longer period of time.

But hey, I’ll take Phase Two over Circuit Breaker any day. Agree?