Exclusive Footage Shows Playmade Staff Scolding Rider & Even Had Masks Off

The Playmade staff vs GrabFood rider saga doesn’t seem to end.

It all started after videos of a GrabFood rider losing his cool and picking a fight went viral everywhere, caused primarily by you and me who were looking to buy the last two cups of bubble tea after the announcement of the closure of all bubble tea shops:

While netizens condemned the GrabFood rider for being too aggressive, which even led to an arrest due to public nuisance, there is a subset of netizens who alleged that the staff in the outlet have often been rude even before the Circuit Breaker period.

Then, Playmade came out to clarify what happened, admitting that a staff member had used the F word, and is regretful for his actions. Also, they have apologised to the rider.

Everything’s goody, and we can finally turn our attention to this woman who spat at a KFC staff instead, right?

No. Not yet.

We just received a footage that showed exactly what happened.

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Exclusive Footage Shows Playmade Staff Scolding Rider & Even Had Masks Off

People really need to learn that the walls have eyes and ears.

A reader has sent us a video which we’ve uploaded in our YouTube channel here:

It is in Chinese, so here’s a translation (though it’s a tad hard to see who’s the one speaking as everyone’s wearing masks):

Playmade Staff: I’ve already apologised!

GrabFood Rider: *inaudible*

Playmade Staff: We’re just workers!

GrabFood Rider: I’m also a worker! So why did you scold me?

Playmade Staff: I didn’t scold you I just said—

This guy in red appeared all of a sudden to confront the staff

Guy in Red: OEI! Oei! What’s the problem now?!

*Shouting match with a “You not happy ah!?*

Superman came to defuse the situation

Then a guy came into the frame to spread an important message:

And lest you’ve forgotten, this is the outlet that was fined $1,000 for breaking safe-distancing rules.

If you’ve watched the video closely, you’d realise the Playmade staff had removed their masks for the confrontation (or maybe to catch a breather you never know):

Well, at least we know they won’t be fined anymore for the next two weeks.

If you’re only sad that bubble tea is now gone, you can learn how to make it yourself in ten minutes here.

In the meantime, check out this video about bubble tea, the thing that started the entire saga:

(Also, check out our YouTube channel for more informative and entertaining videos!)