PM Lee Spent His Local Leave Touring Botanic Gardens; He Even Shared His Reading List

What do you do on your days off?

Besides answering emails from your colleagues and boss, you’ll probably spend some time with the family or binge-watch even more shows on Netflix than usual.

Our Prime Minister, however, prefers a relaxing walk in the park.

PM Lee Spent His Local Leave Touring Botanic Gardens

On 6 Jun, PM Lee Hsien Loong announced that he’d be going on leave from 7 to 11 June.

He said he’d mostly be staying at home to catch up on reading, experiment with photo apps, and try home delivery meals.

However, he couldn’t help but indulge in one of his favourite pastimes: getting some fresh air in nature parks and snapping some photos.

“I stepped out for some fresh air and exercise while on leave this past week. Came across others doing the same, and also caught some interesting creatures and plants,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

This included two black swans who were about to sleep.

Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)

He also snapped a monitor lizard who looks like it was just caught stealing:

Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)

He also came across the ginger flower, which is also called the rojak flower, as the unopened buds can be sliced and used to add flavour to the popular local dish.

Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)

All photos were snapped by the prime minister himself. Photography, along with walks in nature, seems to be a hobby of his:

Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)
Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)

As PM Lee noted, certain restrictions have been relaxed, and if the downward trend in cases continues, the country can lift even more restrictions.

“Tomorrow is the start of a new week, and also sees the easing of some restrictions,” he said yesterday.

“If all goes well, we should be able to open up further by next week.”

“My thanks to everyone for bearing with us and observing the tightened measures this past month. In the new normal, such disruptions will happen from time to time, but we can still carry on with our lives,” he added.

Here’s the full Facebook post:

Shared His Reading List With Netizens

In an earlier post, PM Lee said that after he shared his plans of taking leave, several netizens had asked him for his reading list.

In response, he shared some books that he read, is reading, or hopes to read:

  • Nuclear Folly, a History of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Serhii Plokhy
  • The Bilingual Brain, and what it tells us about the science of language by Albert Costa
  • Capturing Light, the Heart of Photography by Michael Freeman
  • Bettering Humanomics, A New, and Old, Approach to Economic Science by Deidre Nansen McCloskey

If you’ve read one of the books listed, well, you’re in good company.

Netizens will note that one of the books is on photography, a subject the Prime Minister is clearly passionate about.

Don’t be surprised to see the 69-year-old roaming around the country snapping photos once he vacates his ministerial post.

Featured Image: Facebook (Lee Hsien Loong)Â