Pokemon Go’s New Pokemon Tracking Feature, Battery-Saving Mode will Make Players Cheer

Pokemon GO is all the rage right now. GO anywhere on the streets and you’ll see more people on the streets and at public spaces again. P/S: if you’ve not done so, check out why we think Pokemon Go is good for Singaporeans.

If you’ve not noticed it, you’ve been living under a rock. Or most likely, you’re one of the people I’ve mentioned. You know, the one who’s head is permanently stuck in the Pokemon world.

Well, guess what? Pokemon Go is about to get bigger (Really, can it be any bigger?) and better.

Here’s what you need to know.

Pokemon Tracking Feature

Ever since Pokevision is out and all other Pokemon tracking apps were shut down systematically by Niantic, the game has got so much harder and earned the ire of many players.

After all, since you’re already making your way out, you’ll want to know where to go to make the best of your free time (read: weekends) instead of wandering around blindly.

According to The Verge, a Pokemon-tracking feature is in the works. While it won’t be similar to the third-party apps that existed before, it’s better than what we have right now.

After all, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

In the release notes for the newest Pokémon Go app update for Android and iPhone, Niantic teased that “we’re currently testing a variation of the ‘Nearby Pokémon’ feature with a subset of users.” – Business Insider UK

For a sneak peak at how the Pokemon Nearby feature will work, check out the video below.

Battery-saving Mode for Pokemon Go Players

It’s been mentioned often enough that you’ll see people with eyes glued to their mobile phones when they’re walking on the streets.

But what goes unmentioned is the fact that most of them look like ghostbusters, with a cable connecting the phone to their bag. Or more specifically, to their Powerbanks.

The developers of Pokemon Go understand that battery consumption for the app is huge, given that you’re using GPS and your camera at the same time. They’ve included a nifty battery-saving mode in the game, and it’s so hidden (at least to people who won’t explore the app past catching Pokemon and evolving them) that you won’t find it easily.

Here’s what you need to do

Click on the Pokeball located in the bottom-center of your screen > Tap on the Settings button at the top right-hand corner > Check Battery Saver.

Based on your smartphone’s gyroscope, whenever the app detects the position of your phone and goes into. The screen dims whenever you hold your phone pointed down to the ground.


At least now you don’t have to travel around the island to find a Pikachu.

Featured Image: coolnwc.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com