Police Car & Black Car Both Think Each Other Gave Away & Banged Into Each Other

I’ll be 101% honest.

I’ve not had such a good laugh ever since this video:

Image: Facebook (Khrl Azhr)

I thought that would be the funniest and cutest video of all time…until this latest one appeared.

And my faith in viral video has been restored.

Viral Video That Hasn’t Gone Viral

Actually, the video hasn’t gone exactly viral but with Facebook’s new algorithm that slowly shows high-quality (i.e. viral lah) video slower instead, I bet my boss’ car that it’s going to gain hundreds of thousands of views soon.

So, basically, a police car coming out from a minor road and wants to go to the last lane.

Everyone’s following the rules: the vehicle with the camera has stopped before the yellow box for the police car to cut in.

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

Goody so far, except that the vehicle seems to be a heavy vehicle, so it’s blocking the police car’s view.

Like what we’ve learned in driving schools, we’d need to inch forward a little to ensure the lane is clear—which is what the police car’s doing.

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

Still goody.

Then it inches closer…and closer…and ta-da: a car is speeding towards him on the lane.

But thank God the police car isn’t going all out and therefore can stop in time, while the other car stops just millimetres away from the QX too.

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

Close shave.

Everyone’s heart must’ve stopped a beat, but everything’s good.

So both reverse lah…

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

And both…decide that the other party has given away, so both move forward together.

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

If there’s a gif to describe the word “classic”, this would be it.

Here’s a longer gif to show you how classic this this. Add in some music and it’ll be “classic-est”:

Image: Facebook (Road Accident. Sg)

It’s unknown what happens after that. Maybe the police call the police. Or the black car driver calls the police, and the police officer steps out of the car and says, “Bro, you call me?”

You can watch the entire video here, which currently has 42K views in less than 16 hours:

Defensive Driving

While it’s hard to pinpoint who’s wrong here, and insurance companies are most probably going to go the “50-50” route (whereby each individual claims from their own insurance company, though for this, I think they’ll do a private settlement), there is actually a way to prevent this.

Defensive driving.

The black car should have slowed down since other lanes are not moving. It’s not just to avoid the police car, but from any jokers who like to change lane when one lane’s struck.

The police car should have entered the second lane instead, and use the side mirror to check for incoming car before filtering into the first lane.

But hey: I’m just a keyboard warrior; maybe I’ll think otherwise when I’m on the road.

Whatever it is, drive safe. And drive defensively.