Police Now Investigating Anti-LGBTQ Talk at Hwa Chong Institution

You’ve probably heard about the anti-LGBTQ talk at Hwa Chong Institution during their sexual education programme.

It seems like the severity of this case has just went up a notch, as the police is now investigating it too.

Homophobic Rhetoric at HCI Sex Ed Talk

For those of you who might not know what happened, a HCI counsellor basically spread homophobic rhetoric during a sexual education talk to the Secondary 4 cohort.

There were two specific slides that were quite obviously bashing the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community. They included false and misleading facts like:

  • 58% of homosexuals have problems with intestinal worms
  • 1 in 15 homosexuals are pedophiles
  • Homosexuals represent 2% of the world’s population but they represent 33% of pedophile rapists and 67% of AIDs patients
  • Perfect correlation between childhood rape and homosexual behaviour
  • 78% of homosexuals have STDs
  • 51% of cases of domestic abuse occur in same-sex couples

It also associated homosexuality with problems like alcoholism and sexual assault.

The presenter also showed a video that… basically insinuates that homosexuality is fake.

Needless to say, there were lots of public backlash. You can read more about it here.

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Police Investigations Ongoing

On 22 July, the police confirmed that they are following up on reports made about this incident. However, they didn’t give details of who made the report or what laws may have been broken.

However, back in March 2022, Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam emphasized in Parliament that the LGBTQ community is protected under the law.

For instance, amendments to the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act have been made, so that attacks on members of the LGBTQ community or LGBTQ groups will be considered an offence.

Additionally, acts that involve hurt or violence against LGBTQ persons are also criminalised in the Penal Code and Protection from Harassment Act.

Hopefully, the counsellor gets the punishment he deserves, especially since no apology was made to the HCI students.

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