Twitter & Facebook Will Transfer POTUS Account to Joe Biden Even As Trump Still Didn’t Concede

It appears that social media giants Twitter & Facebook, too, have had enough of Mr Donald Trump.

According to The Vergeboth platforms are ready to transfer the @POTUS account to President-elect Joe Biden on his Inauguration Day, which will occur on 20 January 2020.

This is set to happen even if the existing President Of The United States hasn’t conceded, which for the record…


Twitter & Facebook Will Transfer @POTUS Account to Joe Biden Even If Trump Doesn’t Concede

In an interview with PoliticoTwitter revealed their plans to hand over the @POTUS account to Biden when he’s officially in on Inauguration Day.

The move is set to materialise with or without Trump’s approval.

“Twitter is actively preparing to support the transition of White House institutional Twitter accounts on January 20th, 2021,” a Twitter spokesperson said, in a statement to The Verge.

“As we did for the presidential transition in 2017, this process is being done in close consultation with the National Archives and Records Administration.”

Other presidential-related accounts, such as @whitehouse, @VP, and @FLOTUS, are set to follow suit. Existing information on all accounts will also be archived before the transfer, with the accounts set to be reset.

Meanwhile, Trump will retain possession of his own personal account, @realDonaldTrump, after Inauguration Day. However, the account will be stripped of the perks it has acquired as a result of Trump’s status.

This means that the existing POTUS will be facing the same rules as most Twitter users on the platform. Or in other words, he will probably have to mind his words from 20th January 2020 onwards, which is certainly an ironic notion in itself.

I mean, have you seen all the warnings on his tweets in the last few weeks?

As for Facebook, the official POTUS account on the platform is set to be shifted to the incoming administration on the same day.

“In 2017, we worked with both the Obama Administration and incoming Trump Administration to make sure the transition of their Facebook and Instagram accounts was seamless on January 20th, and we expect to do the same here,” the company said.

Refusal To Concede

Trump has failed to concede the election even in the face of overwhelming results.

Biden is described to have won the Electoral College and the popular vote by a definitive margin. Several states have also ascertained their results, despite Trump’s continuous accusations of foul play.

The General Services Administration, which is supposedly responsible for the presidential handover, also has yet to issue a letter of “ascertainment” that confirms Biden’s victory.

As stated above, Trump is due to lose protections under Twitter’s “world leaders” policy after Inauguration Day. The perk allows tweets to stay up with warning labels, even if they were deemed to have flouted regulations.

In the recent weeks, Trump has had several of his tweets marked for the purported containment of false info regarding the election.

These include a bold tweet proclaiming that he was the true winner of the election.

One can only wonder if his account would be removed if he continued to spread “fake news”.

Featured Image: Tero Vesalainen /