Donald Trump Just Said ‘I Won the Election’ in All Caps in His Social Media Accounts


It appears that U.S. President Donald Trump is at it again.

Mere hours after he seemingly conceded his loss and then clarified that he had not actually lost, the enigmatic individual – who’s perhaps best known for his turn on The Apprentice –has issued an ultimatum:

He’s the rightful winner of the election. And in all caps while at it too.

Donald Trump Just Said ‘I Won the Election’ in All Caps in His Social Media Accounts

Around 5 hours ago, Donald J. Trump updated his Twitter account with a revelation absolutely everyone saw coming:

Image: Twitter (Donald J. Trump)

Though as he later found out, it was also a revelation that a large chunk of people disputed.

Including the social media platform itself.

Image: Twitter (Donald J. Trump)

Undeterred, the U.S. President reiterated his stance on social media platform Facebook hours later.

Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)

But it seems that even the A.I. has joined in on the Anti-Trump sentiments.

Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)

At this point, one genuinely wonders where Trump’s getting all his confidence from.

How does one stay so resilient in the face of ‘adversity’, and persist even when all facts and figures say otherwise?

Well, it appears that one does not have to look further than the post itself to know why.

Though dissenters were prevalent…

Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)

Trump’s insistence was only buoyed by his own supporters, who seem to have bought into his policies of ‘rigged votes’ and ‘corruption’ with aplomb.

Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)
Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)
Image: Facebook (Donald J. Trump)

And while a case can be made for the whole ‘plausible unless proven otherwise’ notion…

There’s still a fine line to be drawn between being ‘logical’… and ‘strictly hypothetical’.


On Sunday (15 November 2020), the president admitted in a tweet that Biden won the presidency, but claimed that the election was rigged.


His tweet was in response to a Jesse Watters segment on Fox News, in which he said Biden didn’t “earn” the presidency.

Trump also claimed that “software glitches” on Election night were really his opponents trying to “steal votes.”

This is despite the fact that on Friday (13 Nov), election officials said the election was the “most secure in American history” and there was “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised”.


But well, we all know that the debate’s largely beyond common sense and statistics at this point.

Thereafter, two hours after Trump first made his concession, Trump said that Biden has only won in the eyes of the “fake news media”.

He later said: “We won’t let a RIGGED ELECTION steal our country!”

Nearing the end of the Presidential campaign, Trump has been particularly insistent that the election was rigged.


However, he was unable to produce any substantial evidence, even in court.

In one case filed in Pennsylvania, for instance, Trump’s legal team tried to stop the vote count while they were ahead, alleging Trump campaign officials were not allowed to be close enough to the ballot-counting process.

However, when the judge asked Trump’s lawyers how many Republican poll watchers were there, Trump’s lawyer admitted a “non-zero number” of Republican observers were present.

“I’m sorry, then what’s your problem?” the judge responded.

Can you feel the burn?


All Caps To Divert Attention?

Experts say Trump’s lawsuits are nothing more than a diversionary tactic, as they have little legal basis.

Instead, they may be using these lawsuits to delegitimise the election process.

Democracy only works when the loser gracefully acknowledges defeat.

As the Jerusalem Post noted, if half the country believes Trump’s claims of a stolen election, it would erode the country’s democracy, and possibly taint future elections.

Featured Image: Evan El-Amin /