Two Pre-School Workers Allegedly Trapped Toddlers in Storeroom & Behind Tables


Every parent wants their kid to be safe and happy. This is the case even if the parents entrust the care of their children to pre-school teachers.

But at the end of the day, these teachers are still strangers to your precious child, and there is no guarantee that the teacher will not mistreat your child.

Remember the pre-school teacher who abused a 4-year-old special needs child?

Recently, some heartbreaking news about the abuse of some toddlers at a pre-school surfaced.

Here is what happened.

A Woman Is Accused of Ill-Treating and Abusing Toddlers at a Pre-school

Calling all parents who send their children to pre-school. How sure are you that your children are in safe hands?

The parents of two toddlers may have been in for a rude shock when they realised that the staff was abusing their children at a pre-school.

One of the perpetrators is a 28-year-old staff accused of abusing at least two toddlers she was supposed to take care of at her workplace.

She had abused the two toddlers on multiple occasions.

One of the occasions was when she trapped a boy under a table for about 15 minutes. The boy was two years old, and the incident happened in the pre-school over a year ago, on 22 June 2022.

The perpetrator then placed the male toddler in a dark storeroom for six to seven minutes. She also threw four foam blocks into the storeroom while the toddler was trapped inside.

Another female toddler had her face poked and slapped by the same perpetrator on the same day. The perpetrator also allegedly pulled the girl, who was one year and eight months old, to her feet before repeatedly pushing her to the ground.

This same female toddler also suffered hits to her face with foam blocks. The perpetrator also rubbed the toddler’s face with tissue paper and slapped and pinched the latter’s cheeks.

Not a great way to start pre-school.

There Was a Second Account of Ill-Treatment and a Witness Did Nothing

The abuse did not stop there.

The perpetrator attacked the two children again on 27 June 2022.


This time, she pulled a chair from under the boy’s butt, causing him to fall to the ground. After that, she picked him up and pushed him into a table.

The girl also suffered abuse from the perpetrator by being shoved into a table. The table was laden with objects, causing the girl to be trapped as she was pushed into the table many times.

This girl was also hit multiple times on her face with a plastic divider over 30 minutes while trapped by the table.

The perpetrator then pinched the boy’s face.

Another female staff who witnessed the attacks on the girl stood by and did nothing while the girl was attacked with the plastic divider. For this inaction, the staff was charged with failing to protect the girl from being ill-treated.


Both cases are still in progress.