Pretty M’sia Girl Allegedly Suffered ‘Stroke’ in her 20s Due to Unhealthy Lifestyle

Last Updated on 2020-04-28 , 11:52 pm

Stroke? What stroke?

Not a stroke of luck, that’s for sure.

Yvonne Wen, a Malaysian girl in her 20s, certainly didn’t think that she would suffer from a stroke at her age. But she did, because of her self-indulgent lifestyle.

For you party animals out there, now’s the time to listen up.

Malaysian Posted a wall of text about her “stroke” experience

Back in 2018, Facebook user Yvonne Wen posted this:

Little did she know that the post would garner well over 17K Shares.

It’s a wall of Chinese text, so here’s Goody Feed to the rescue.

So, What Happened?

For many of us, the 20s is often a period of incessant late-night partying. We spend an inordinate amount of time in clubs, bobbing our heads and swinging our hips along to the music. Yvonne was just like any other young adult; she enjoyed a good nightlife.

Little did she know that her ‘average’ lifestyle would result in a stroke.

At first, Yvonne had a persistent fever. She didn’t think much of it, assuming that over-the-counter medicine would do the trick in subsiding her fever.

As she had expected, her fever went away after a few days. However, her face swelled up like “a pig’s head” (to be specific, 猪头). Yvonne was startled by her own appearance.

Still, she convinced herself that that there was nothing to worry about. The swelling was probably caused by her fever, she thought.

She went ahead to buy medicine that would help reduce the swelling in her face.

After a couple of days, the swelling went down but to her horror, she could not smile and one of her eyes was half-closed. She literally could not feel her face.

Goody Lesson:
Thought we’ll include some lessons here, and there’s one: if you fell unwell and turned into a 猪头, go seek medical attention instead of buying OTC medicine.

The Diagnosis 

Yvonne’s shock at her changed appearance finally brought her to the doctor’s. The doctor told her that she had suffered from a stroke.

As she found the diagnosis unbelievable, Yvonne went on to consult two other doctors, who gave the same diagnosis as the first doctor. It was confirmed—Yvonne had suffered a stroke.

Goody Lesson:
Now, before anything, here’s the thing: it could be a stroke, but netizens have also claimed that it could also be Bell’s Palsy, which looks and feels like a stroke on the face. Since everything is from Yvonne’s point of view, it’s up to anyone to decide whether it’s a stroke or Bell’s Palsy.

According to Yvonne’s doctors, the stroke was caused by her unhealthy lifestyle. Aside from insufficient rest time, Yvonne lacked a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

When Yvonne was in England, she started spending her nights out watching movies and drinking. She also ate plenty of oily food and had supper every night without fail. This was coupled with the fact that she did not exercise at all. She continued this lifestyle even after she returned to Malaysia.

For your info, Bell’s Palsy is caused by either a viral infection or diabetes.


Fortunately for Yvonne, her friend recommended her a Singapore-based doctor who helped her recover within half a year.

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The doctor is in charge of her diet and medicine, and also helps massage her face and body. Yvonne is currently taking supplements to improve her health.

However, because Yvonne had suffered from a stroke, her chances of suffering from it a second time is higher than that of an average person.

Lesson Learnt

Yvonne’s purpose of sharing her story on Facebook is to alert the rest of us (especially you club-siao peeps) not to take our bodies for granted.

Her advice? Don’t stay up, sleep more, be conscious of what you eat (you are what you eat, after all) and exercise more!

When you’re feeling unwell, don’t act smart and self-prescribe medicine! Don’t be lazy, go see a doctor.

Last but not least, if Yvonne can bounce back and still stay so pretty, you can, too.