Secondary School Student Died While Crossing Road in Queensway; Mum Said He Wasn’t Using a Phone

A fatal accident occurred along the road of Queensway on 27 October 2020, resulting in the passing of a 15-year-old boy named Huang Junyong.

The boy’s mother, Ms Chen, said her son was heading out to the coffeeshop to buy food on the night of the accident.

According to Lianhe Wanbao, the teenager was hit by a car and sent flying while crossing the road, resulting in him to sustain serious injuries.

The accident occurred in the direction of Jalan Bukit Merah.

Image: STOMP

Huang was unconscious when he was sent to the National University Hospital. He subsequently succumbed to his injuries.

A 54-year-old male driver was arrested for careless driving causing grievous hurt. Investigations are currently ongoing.

Teenager Always Reached Home Punctually

When interviewed by Lianhe Wanbao, Ms Chen shared that she came to Singapore to work 20 years ago, from Perak, Malaysia.

She raised her two sons up as a single mother. The family stays in a two-room flat at Commonwealth Crescent with Ms Chen’s mother.

Huang has an elder brother who is 18 years old.

Though the family isn’t financially well off, everyone’s well-being is a blessing to her. As such, Ms Chen found it hard to accept her younger son’s sudden passing.

Ms Chen shared that Huang usually comes home punctually after school. On that night of the accident, her younger son told the family that he was heading to the coffeeshop to buy food.

As the whole family was asleep thereafter, they weren’t aware that Huang did not return home.

It was only until Huang’s elder brother woke up at around 2am later with the intention to play some video games when he knew about his younger brother’s accident.

The police had arrived to inform the family about the accident.

Huang’s elder brother quickly woke his mother and grandmother up. They then rushed to the hospital.

Six to Eight doctors Tried to Resuscitate Victim

Huang’s mother and grandmother were overwhelmed with emotions upon reaching the hospital.

Huang’s elder brother shared that there were six to eight doctors in the ward. The doctors told him that they have been trying to resuscitate Huang for two hours.

Many tubes were inserted into the victim’s body. Not wanting him to suffer, Huang’s elder brother told him to leave peacefully.

Unable to accept the passing of her younger son, Ms Chen shouted at him to get up at one point in time.

Under the elder son’s persuasion, Ms Chen then decided to accept the fact of her son’s passing. She closed her son’s eyes and told him to leave the world peacefully.

Victim Did Not Bring His Phone Out

Ms Chen also addressed some allegations about the accident’s cause.

The allegations include claiming that Huang was using his phone while crossing the road, and that Huang didn’t follow the traffic rules as a pedestrian.

Ms Chen clarified that Huang only brought money out on that night of the accident. His phone and IC were left at home.

In addition, Ms Chen mentioned that she had taught Huang the importance of abiding by the traffic rules since young. As her son was a careful person, Ms Chen trusts that her son will obey proper traffic rules as a pedestrian.

Appealing for Witnesses

Ms Chen is now appealing for witnesses to come forward.

She would like to get in contact with those who have either helped her son at the accident scene, or were witnesses to the accident.

She added that the driver has yet to apologise to the family ever since the accident occurred.

She said, “It has been a week. The driver did not attend the funeral, nor did he call to send his condolences. We just hope the driver can apologise and provide an explanation.”

School Raised $12,000 for Family to Help in Funeral Arrangements

Huang was previously a student at Crest Secondary School.

The victim’s elder brother informed Huang’s school teacher about the accident on that very night.

After hearing about the accident, the school decided to raise funds for the family, with the hope of helping the family with the funeral arrangements financially.

$12,000 was raised by the school’s teachers and students.

The school’s principal, teachers and students also attended Huang’s funeral.