Person Allegedly Quit a Job in Singapore Due to Lack of Bonus & a Stingy Boss

Do you need some inspiration for your resignation letter? We’ve got just the template for you.

A person allegedly quit their job in Singapore with the most unique resignation letter you’ve ever seen.

And by unique, we mean uniquely Singaporean. It is so uniquely Singaporean that it should probably be framed and exhibited in a local museum to showcase our culture.

Person Allegedly Quit a Job in Singapore With Singlish Resignation Letter

On Thursday (21 September), an image of a resignation letter surfaced on Xiaohongshu that caught the eye of many Singaporeans, and not without good reason.

The Xiaohongshu user 小鸭子 shared an image of a resignation letter, describing the letter as a straightforward one that doesn’t beat around the bush—we’ll see why in a moment.

The user, however, emphasises that they were not the author of the resignation letter in the post.

The resignation letter, dated 15 September 2023, was addressed to an unknown company’s Human Resources (HR) division.

Image: Xiaohongshu (小鸭子)

While the letter starts with the standard form resignation template detailing the resignation date and the last date of service, the second half of the letter was a little more, let’s just say, personal.

Employee Quit Due to Early Work Hours, No Salary Progression, Lack of Bonus & Stingy Boss

The second half of the resignation letter began like this: “Reason of why I leave this company”.

Hm. Perhaps the employee’s quitting because the company didn’t give them a Grammarly subscription. (We’re kidding).

The employee, whose name is redacted in the resignation letter, goes on to pen their thoughts and the reasons for quitting. And you can take our word for it when we say that the employee truly redefines “cutting to the chase” in their resignation letter.

“Every morning need to wake up early 5am just to travel to your company,” the employee describes as their first reason for leaving the company.

Well, we feel that. Why should I be awake for work if even the “uwu” bird isn’t awake yet?

And despite waking up at such an ungodly hour for work, the employee’s salary has allegedly remained the same.

Next, the employee writes in bolded capital letters that another reason for their resignation was the lack of bonuses at the company. Presumably, this is the main reason for their decision to resign from the company.

But this is where it gets really interesting: the employee describes their boss as “niao“, which means stingy.

In the employee’s words, “So NIAO how to continue to serve your company in a better way.”

Early work hours, a lack of salary progression and bonuses, and a stingy boss—the ingredients for a resignation.

Singlish truly does communicate things differently. This was a uniquely Singaporean resignation letter, indeed.

Perhaps Mockingbird News should grade this resignation letter as well.