Remember the LTA vs Uber fight? The Uber driver faces more jail time. Here’s why

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:43 pm

Maybe you’ve already forgotten about this (let’s just say that memories on the Internet don’t last long), so here’s a recap: last November, a footage of an LTA officer and an Uber driver went viral. While it was clear that the LTA officer drew the first punch, people speculated that the Uber driver must have said something that provoked the LTA officer.

With that, many thought that the Uber driver was the victim.

Soon after, a witness came forward and explained what really happened: that the Uber driver had done something wrong and yet still challenged the LTA officer, provoking him instead—a different account given by the Uber driver.

Okay, so today, the verdict is out: Both people were charged in court.

For the LTA officer (who is no longer working as one), he was charged for the fight and could be jailed up to one year and/or fined up to $5,000. For the verbal abuse charge, he could be jailed up to six months and/or fined $5,000.

For the Uber driver, he was also charged for the fight and could be jailed up to one year and/or fined up to $5,000 (similar penalty as the LTA officer). However, for his verbal abuse charge, he could be jailed to up to one year and/or fined up to $5,000. In other words, his penalty is heavier for his verbal abuse.

This is due to the fact that he was abusing an LTA officer who was trying to carry out traffic enforcement duties.

The ex-LTA officer is expected to plead guilty to all charges while the Uber driver said that he would plead guilty for the fight but not the verbal abuse.

Well, if I may say: justice is served.