This Research Shows That It Might Be Better for S’poreans Not to Have Data When on Holiday

Last Updated on 2016-11-15 , 6:26 pm

The whole purpose of going on a holiday is to have some R&R time, or some “me” time, right?

However, according to Todayonline, a recent survey done shows that nine in ten local respondents find themselves being unable to fully relax and detach themselves from their work. They would be found constantly responding to work messages or replying to office emails.

Of course, this isn’t surprising when we take into consideration of the Singaporean workaholic culture. However, Singaporeans aren’t the worse. 50 percent of Japanese on holiday surveyed said that they frequently had to work on holiday, 30 percent had to cancel or postpone their trips due to their work commitment while only 18 percent of locals had to do the same.

So how can you detach yourself from work whilst on holiday?

Switch off push notifications
Without them being active, you would not be constantly prompted when there’re any new work emails. Out of sight, out of mind. Let’s pretend we do not have any work matters to attend to – at least during the duration of the holiday.

Set aside a short amount of time for work
If you really can’t detach 100% off your work, the least you can do is just set aside a short time in the day to respond to any work related matters. Probably 15 minutes before breakfast or after lunch will be good enough. Just 15 minutes. Nothing more, if not if defeats the entire purpose of setting aside time.

Stay offline entirely
The best way is to not get a data plan or portable Wi-Fi at all. Just stay offline throughout the entire trip. If you want to update your social media, just do it when you return to the hotel or just before your flight back home at the airport.

This gives you the best excuse to not respond to any work emails. If any higher up gets angry at you, they have no valid reason to – unless they would like to sponsor your mobile data usage overseas, which I think is highly unlikely.

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